完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分.满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Laughter

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分.满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Laughter

Laughter and tears are part of living.But do you find enough time for laughter? I am not
asking if you  __21__ lots of good times.__22__  we should laugh during the happy times.But do you also laugh during the__23__times?
Erma Bombeek is known for her humorous books, but she wrote one that __24__  a more serious topic:__25__ in children.Erma talks with many children with cancer and learns __26__
life lessons from them.She learns, for instance, that cancer survivors know how to__27__.
She __28__ the experience of 15-year-old Jessica from Burlinton.Jessica’s leg was cut
off at the knee because of cancer.She was learning to __29__  a prosthesis(假肢).Jessica tells
about playing __30__.She kicked the ball __31__ and it flew off in one __32__  while her artificial leg flew into another.She fell on the __33__ and laughed.
Jessica may not have laughed about her cancer,but she laughed about handling the__34__
of it.And her laughter helped her a deal.
There is the story of 17-year-old Betsy.She __35__her way to the radiation room for her regular radiation therapy(化疗).As __36__,she dropped her hospital gown and,wearing only her birthday suit,__37__ onto the table and waited.The extra people in the room were not the medical students she had thought,but__38__painters giving an estimate on painting! Betsy laughed heartily about the incident.And like Jessica, her __39__ to laugh helped her to deal with one of the most difficult things a young person can endure — cancer.
Do you find plenty of__40__ for laughter? You can…if you also find reasons to laugh during the especially difficult times.
Survivors know how to laugh.If you can laugh even when the going is rough,you’ll make
it.And you’ll smile at the end.
A.Of courseB.In additionC.At firstD.First of all



  The trend in everyday conversation is to use grandiose(夸大的)words.“Outstanding” is the
new “good,”  “amazing” is the new “OK, ” and “huge” is the new “big.”
I was in a restaurant in Washington D.C.last weekend and every question I asked was answered with exaggeration.
Me:How is the salmon?
Me:Does it come with rice?
Would a “good” and a “yes” have been enough? Of course!
My father is an average-sized man.He hasn’t gained weight or height for the past 30 years. Therefore, his size remains the same.However,in the same amount of time,his T-shirt size has gone from small to medium to large to extra large.
The reason for the exaggerated word is clear:we are bored with our lives. We want the next
—next thing now.Immediately!
And we also want others to think that we still care,that we can still be delighted,that we know that everything is just great.Even when deep inside we know it can’t be.Everything can’t be great.
I’m not a scientist,so many methods of proof leave little to be desired,or a lot to be desired,or an immensity(无限).   
Listen to the voices around you.Listen to your own voices.There is nothing on the radio that is good or bad,weather is either beautiful or horrible.
Listen,the next time when someone asks you something and you agree,because when you
could simply say “yes”, instead you will say “absolutely’’ or “without doubt ” or “Oh,yeah,unquestionably ---- absolutely without doubt."
Have people forgotten what it is like to be OK? Simply OK with what they have and who they are? If everything is outstanding,if everything is the most amazing thing ever,is anything ever amazing at all?
小题1:By telling his experience in the restaurant,the author intends to ________.
A.show his interest in exaggerated words
B.prove that exaggerated words are widely used
C.blame the restaurant for using exaggerated words
D.tell us the food in the restaurant is extremely good
小题2:What do we know about the author’s father?
A.He has gained height and is now a tall man.
B.He likes following the fashion in clothing.
C.His weight is getting greater and greater.
D.The size of his T-shirt is described in exaggerated words.
小题3:.So many people like using exaggerated words because_________.
A.they are not satisfied with being normal
B.they don’t want to be looked down upon by others
C.they want to be different from others
D.they are brave in telling their true feelings
小题4:According to the passage,if you approve of something,you’d better say “________”.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I’ll never forget the summer day in 1965 when my mother suddenly died of an unexplained illness at the age of 36. Later that afternoon, a police officer came to ask for my father’s  36  for the hospital to  37  Mother’s valve (心脏瓣膜). I was shocked. I ran into the house  38 . At 14 I just  39  understand why anyone would take apart a person I loved.  40  my father told the police officer, “Yes .” “How can you let them do that to her?” I  41  him.
“Linda,” he said quietly,  42  his arms around me, “the greatest  43  you can give is a  44  of yourself. Your mother and I decided  45  that if we can 46  a difference in just one person’s life after we die, our death will have  47 .”
The  48  my father taught me that day became one of the most  49  in my life.
Years passed. I married and had a family of my own. In 1986, my father became seriously ill. He  50  told me that when he died, he wanted to donate  51  was in good condition, especially his eyes.
My father died and we donated his eyes  52  he had wanted. Three days later, my daughter said, “Mum, I’m so  53  of what you did for Grandpa. At that moment I realized that my father gave much more than his  54 . What he  55  behind sparkled in my daughter’s eyes — pride.
A.adviceB.permission C.suggestion D.speech
A.in tears B.in silence C.in a hurry D.in surprise
A.couldn’tB.mustn’t C.might not D.shouldn’t
A.said toB.replied toC.explained toD.cried at
A.gift B.wishC.talk D.regret
A.healthB.body C.part D.value
A.then B.later C.soon D.long ago
A.have B.make C.keep D.tell
A.pleasure B.right C.funD.meaning
A.lesson B.subjectC.thoughtD.experience
A.ordinary B.important C.uselessD.hard
A.carefullyB.sadly C.cruellyD.cheerfully
A.who B.whatever C.that D.which
A.as B.when C.while D.where
A.fondB.tired C.proudD.afraid
A.wordsB.life C.eyes D.lessons
A.taught B.leftC.sent D.gave

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
From a young age, it was my dream to go to Africa and work with animals. Everybody laughed at me, but my mother, Vanne, told me never to give up, and that I could always find a way.
So, when I was 23, after saving up my earnings from working as a waitress, I went to wild, untamed (野性的) Africa and began my work. In 1960 I went to the Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve. At that time, we knew nothing of the behavior or social structure of chimps (黑猩猩), and I was to go there and see what I could find out. Usually, when you wake up, you leave your dreams behind you, but I found myself waking up to my dream.
As the British government wouldn’t let me go without older women’s company, my amazing mother came with me and stayed for four months. We shared a second-hand army tent, and we used the stream for fresh water and washing. We could swim in the lake, although there were crocodiles.
It was beautiful there, although both my mother and I nearly died of malaria (疟疾). I was scared I wouldn’t be able to do what I had set out to, because, at first, the chimps ran away from me in fear. I spent my days watching, listening, tracking and in the evenings writing up my notes.
For my mother, who stayed back at the camp, it must have been terrifying, and very lonely. There were snakes and spiders, as well as an old leopard who would come by. But she had an amazing way with people, and would hand out medicines to the fishermen, who saw her as a witch doctor.
In my fifth month there, I finally saw one of the chimps, which I called David Greybeard, stripping (剥光) straw to “fish” for termites (白蚁). It proved that man wasn’t the only toolmaker, and that everything had to be redefined.
小题1:What does the author mean by saying “I found myself waking up to my dream” in the second paragraph?
A.She lacked sleep due to busy work.
B.She found her dream was hard to realize.
C.She had more new dreams about her work.
D.She tried to realize her dream every day.
小题2:The author was afraid at the Reserve in the beginning because _____.
A.there were crocodiles in the lakeB.she could not get close to the chimps
C.it was hard to get clean waterD.the chimps attacked her sometimes
小题3:The author’s mother was thought of by the local people as _____.
A.helpful and warm-heartedB.funny and selfish
C.romantic and talkativeD.honest and hardworking
小题4: Which of the following is the author’s important discovery?
A.She found a new kind of termite.
B.Chimps can communicate with each other.
C.Some other animals can also make tools.
D.Chimps can find medicines to cure themselves.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Step to Discovering Your Passion
By Julie Jordan Scott
Even before the first tip, you simply must get out a notebook, journal, piece of paper, napkin … SOMETHING to write on to save your discoveries! These tips will only help if you pursue them, so please either take a moment to find writing tools NOW or print this out and promise yourself to complete this exercise later. It may take you some thinking time to get it done . . . and now . . . here are your tips . . . . .
1. Find Your Joy Factor
Look at the whole of your life history. When did you experience the most sustained period of Joy? What were you doing then? Where were you? Who were you with? How did it feel?
2. What Are Your 3 Most Favorite things to do?
If you had a free day with NO commitments, where would you be found? What would you be doing with whom?
3. In what area do you excel? (NO MODESTY ALLOWED HERE!)
Truly, what are you complimented on a lot? This could be ANYTHING.
4. What do you most want to be remembered for?
If you were designing your epitaph(墓者铭), what would you want it to say? (NOT what your Mom wants, or your SPOUSE(配偶的一方) wants or your third cousin twice removed, but what do YOU want your headstone to say?)
5. If you had a magic wand(魔杖), what would you change about your life TODAY?
How would it look compared to how it looks now? which aspects of your life ARE changeable, both short term and long term?
6. How does your Joy factor overlap with your favorite things and the areas in which you excel? Do the areas in which you excel bring YOU joy, or are they really for someone else . . . . . do you see which are obvious matches, and which do not fit? Those that overlap, that bring YOU the most Joy, are most likely the things that would bring you into Passionate Living.
7. What is the first even teeny tiny step you can take to living out your Passion as you have defined in #6?
Take some time to really think this one through . . . . . . concentrate and focus, and then you will be able to start the the next step . . . BUILDING YOUR ROAD MAP.
小题1:The purpose of the first paragraph is        .
A.to arouse the readers’ interest and show them what to do
B.to find the piece of paper that is useful for the tipsC.to print the tips out and show them to others
D.to copy the tips and read them
小题2:The underlined word “commitment” has the closest meaning to          .
小题3: The underlined word “compliment” means        .
A.scold B.praiseC.criticizeD.question
小题4:Of the following,           would probably give the correct evaluation of you.
A.You MomB.Your spouseC.Your childrenD.You yourself
小题5:       are most likely to bring into passionate living.
A.Your favorite thingsB.The areas in which you excel
C.Your joy factorD.The things that overlap

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A new generation addiction is quickly spreading all over the world. Weboholism, a twentieth century disease, affects people from different ages.They surf the net, use e-mail and speak in chat reoms. They spend many hours on the computer, and it becomes a compulsive habit. They cannot stop, and it affects their lives. 
Ten years ago, no one thought that using computers could become Compulsive
behavior that could affect the social and physical life of computer users. This obsessive behavior has affected teenagers and college students. They are likely to log on computers and spend long hours at different websites.
They become hooked on computers and gradually their social and school life is
affected by this situation. They spend all free time surfing and don"t concentrate on homework, so this addiction influences their grades, and success at schools. Because they can find everything on the websites, they hang out there. Moreover, this addiction to websites influences their soeial life.
They spend more time in front of computers than with their friends. The relation with their friends changes. The virtual life becomes more important than their real life. They have a new language that they speak in the chat rooms and it causes cultural changes in society,
Because of the change in their behavior, they begin to isolate themselves from the society and live with their virtual friends. They share their emotions and feelings with friends Who they have never met in their life.Although they feel confident on the computer, they are not confident with real life friends they have known all their fife. lt is a problem for the future. This addictive behavior is beginning to affect the whole world.
小题1: The passage is about               
A.the cause of weboholismB.the advantage of weboholism
C.the popularity of weboholismD.the influence of weboholism
小题2:The underlined word"obsessive" in the second paragraph most probably means    
小题3: We can learn from the passage that               .
A.weboholism has the greatest effect on teenagers
B.teeangers can hardly balance real and virtual life
C.people are addicted to games on the lnternet
D.virtual life is more vivid and attractive anyway
小题4: Which of the following is NOT true of weboholism?
A.It contributes to the development of the web.
B.The chat room language may change social culture.
C.The problem will have a negative influence on our future.
D.People addicted to the web often become inactive in real life.
小题5:The author"s attitude towards weboholism is that of being         

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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