If there is one thing that matters in high school-and for your whole life-it is

If there is one thing that matters in high school-and for your whole life-it is


If there is one thing that matters in high school-and for your whole life-it is friendships.
My latest novel,THE UNWRITTEN RULE,is about a girl,Sarah,who falls for her best friend Brianna’s boyfriend,Ryan,but it’s more about wrestling with feelings for a guy that you know you shouldn’t have.A lot of the book deals with friendship,the kind of lifelong friendship that means the world to you...and what happens when you realize that maybe it isn’t what you think it is.
Maybe your best friend isn’t your best friend.Maybe she isn’t even a friend at all.
Friendships are tricky things.You can he sure everything is fine,and that your friendship is going to last forever...and it can just end.No explanation,no anything.And it is not easy.In fact,I think losing a friend is worse than losing a boyfriend,especially when it is a friend you’ve had in your life for a long time.
One of the things that Sarah struggles with in THE UNWRITTEN RULE,beyond her feelings for Ryan,is her friendship with Brianna—how long they’ve been friends,how she understands Brianna in a way no one else does,and what to do when a crack appears in their friend ship,not because of Sarah’s feelings for Ryan,but because Sarah begins to wonder if maybe Brianna isn’t her best friend after all.
Having a friendship end is incredibly painful and one of the things I hated when I was younger—and that I still hate now—is how people say.“Oh,it’ll be okay.You’ll move on,you’ll be fine.”
It is true that you will eventually move on and that you will be fine.But you will also always carry that lost friendship with you.It may not take up all of your heart like it does at first,but it will take part of it.
And that,I think,is something no one ever talks about and that I wish we could — and would.
What do you do when someone you are friends with decides your friendship is over? How do you deal with it?
Maybe my latest novel can provide something for you.
47.From the passage we can infer that_____.
A.it may takes Sarah a long time to recover after she lost Brianna’s friendship
B.Sarah and Brianna are still best friends after a long period of time
C.Sarah does not value Brianna’s friendship at all
D.Ryan would feel puzzled about his real love
48.What do you think the book THE UNWRITTEN RULE is mainly about?
A.Friendship.    B.School life.   C.Love.  D.Wrestling with feelings.
49.What’s the writer’s attitude towards friendship?
A.We will all lose some friends in our life.
B.Ending a friendship is worse than losing a boyfriend.
C.It’s usual when a crack appears.
D.You will eventually move on after you lose a friendship.
50.What do you think is the best title for the passage above?
A.My Latest Novel.    B.Tricky Friends.   
C.Sarah and Brianna.    D.Unforgettable Friendship

47---50   ADBA  


Did you know it takes 21 days to form a good habit? Research shows that when you “stick to something” for three weeks you are more likely to reach your goals. This is important for language learners or anyone who wants to make a change.
People who try something new often “fall off the wagon”. Whether it is a plan to lose weight or a decision to learn something, life often gets in the way. Those who make up their minds to learn English are more likely to succeed if they have a short-term goal at the beginning.
How to make learning English a habit:
Set a specific goal
Example: Break up the four main skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and plan to do one hour of practice in each area at the same time every day.
Find a learning partner
Choose a friend to keep you moving towards your goal. Your friend doesn’t need to be a language learner. He can be someone who wants to start exercising. He can be someone who wants to write a novel. It is best if you both have a goal.
Write out how your life will change when you reach your goal
If I improve my English, I will be able to get a better job.
If I take the TOEFL test, I will be able to get into university.
If I improve my pronunciation, my customers will understand me.
Keep track of your progress
Keep track of your effort in a notebook or online list. Share your progress list with your partner.
When you reach 21 days, reward yourself! Go out for a dinner or a movie or buy yourself a treat. It will be easier to stay on your program now that you are in the habit. If you ever fall off again, put yourself back on the 21-day challenge.
65. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Life sometimes makes people give up their plans or decisions.
B. An English learner should find a language learner as a partner.
C. A long-term goal is of importance in forming a good habit.
D. It is necessary to spend an hour on each language skill every day.
66. Why does the author advise an English learner to reward himself when he reaches 21 days?
A. Because he should share his progress with his partner.
B. Because he has had a good knowledge of English.
C. Because he would put himself on another 21-day challenge.
D. Because he has formed a good habit of learning English.
67. The best title of the passage would be “________”.
A. Taking 21 days to form a good habit
B. A research on learning English
C. Make learning English a habit
D. Setting a goal in life
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

You have heard the expression “horse sense”. As you may imagine, it came from the time when the majority of people traveled in vehicles drawn by horses. A horse does have a lot of common sense, and there are many true stories about horses having saved their drivers from danger of death.
Today for the most part, people travel by train, ship, airplane, and car, but very little by the use of horses. Modern vehicles are propelled by engines, and an engine does not have any sense. In case of danger, many horses could be depended on to help. Not so with the engine; the driver must do all the things.
In recent years, the speed of travel has increased greatly. With the increased speed comes greatly increased danger. The driver of a powerful engine needs to be careful. A moment of being careless may cost a life. In order to drive today, a person must be able to see clearly, and he must learn and follow carefully the rules for safety on the road. Greater attention is the price we pay for using a machine instead of a horse.
56. The passage mainly talks about ______.
A. engines    B. safe driving    C. using horses    D. modern machines
57. The underlined word “propel” in the second paragraph means ______.
A. repair    B. raise    C. push forward    D. made
58. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. a driver must know the rules of safety
B. a driver needs to be able only to tell red from green
C. an eye test is an important part of a driver’s examination
D. greater attention is needed for a driver while driving a machine
59. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. A driver must be able to see and hear well.
B. The driver of a car must follow the rules of safety.
C. Horses are known to have saved their drivers from injury.
D. It is better for vehicles to be pulled by horse than to be pushed by engine.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

More than 20,000 drivers and front seat passengers are killed or seriously injured each year. At a speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a third floor window. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.
Therefore drivers or front seat passengers over 14 most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you could be fined up to $50. It will not be up to the drivers to make sure you wear your belt. But it will be the driver’s responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind.
However, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing(倒退) your vehicle; or you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid(正当的) medical certificate(证书)which excuses you from wearing it. Make sure these cases supply to you before you decide not to wear your seat belt. Remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove to the court you have been excused from wearing.
60. This passage is probably taken from ______.
A. medical magazine    B. a legal document
C. a textbook    D. a government information booklet
61. Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle ______.
A. reduces road accidents by more than half
B. reduces the death rate in traffic accidents
C. saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour  
D. saves more than 16,000 lives each year
62. It is the driver’s responsibility to ______.
A. make the front seat passenger wear a seat belt
B. make the front seat children under 14 wear a seat belt
C. stop children from riding in the front seat
D. wear a seat belt each time he drives
63. For some people, it may be better to ______.
A. pay a fine rather than wear a seat belt   
B. wear a seat belt for health reasons
C. (not to) wear seat belt for health reasons  
D. get a valid medical certificate before wearing a seat belt
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Some people don’t believe that driving more slowly can save lives. But the truth is that driving more slowly can help a person to avoid serious accidents.
The following chart shows the distance that it takes to stop a car at a given speed. The distance is measured in feet. The shaded area shows the driver’s thinking distance. That’s the distance it takes for the driver to react to a danger that he sees. The white area shows the car’s braking distance. That’s the distance it takes for the car to stop once the brakes are used. The number at the top of each bar shows the total number of feet that it takes to stop the car
72. According to the chart, what is the total number of feet needed to stop a car that is traveling at 50 miles per hour?
A. 55.    B. 73.    C. 128.    D. 183.
73. What is the braking distance for a car that is traveling at 60 miles per hour?
A. 66 feet.    B. 119 feet.    C. 185 feet.    D. 251 feet.
74. Which of the following statements about braking and speed is TRUE?
A. The braking distance is what it takes for the driver to react to a danger that he sees.
B. The speed of a car has a direct effect on the distance needed to stop the car.
C. The braking distance increases only when a driver drives faster than 50 miles per hour
D. Driving slowly can help a person to avoid all accidents
75. The underlined word probably means _____.
A. equipment for slowing down or stopping    B. object that turns around
C. object to control the direction in a car    D. large glass window at the front of a vehicle
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Having divorced (离婚) my dad, my mom had to move frequently in order to find a job that would provide her with enough money to support the big family. For three years, we lived in the town of Parkersburg. On the first Christmas there, my brothers and I had been well prepared for a holiday without presents. But we had a surprise on Christmas Eve.
At midnight, we were woken up by someone shouting at our front door, “Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!” We jumped up and ran to the door to find no one there, but several boxes and bags! Not only were there gifts, which were our favorite, but there were also clothes and food. Each of us kids, as well as Mom, had gifts with our names on them. And the clothes all fit us!
Another year went by and on Christmas Eve, we again got boxes and bags full of goodies. The next year we moved. We were in the same town but across the other side. Mom was beginning to get on her feet. Since we had moved and Mom had a better job, we were quite certain that “Santa” wouldn’t visit us that year. But we were wrong!
Those “Santa” visits restored in me the belief in the goodness of mankind, though to this day we don’t know who our helper was.
When we grew up, Mom moved to Virginia. She had some extra money one Christmas. She sent it to me and let us know her decision. We then took action. My husband and children had so much fun buying and wrapping presents for the needy family we had chosen. On Christmas Eve, we allowed the excited kids to stay up late to be part of our secret “Santa” project.
Such satisfaction there was in being able to pass on the gift of love to others who needed it. And the gift goes on!
56. From the first paragraph, we can learn that ______.
A. the writer’s family didn’t like to celebrate Christmas
B. the writer felt sorry about not having Christmas presents
C. the writer’s mother couldn’t afford any Christmas presents
D. the writer knew that something surprising would happen
57. The presents that the writer’s family received must be from _______.
A. someone who has no children        B. someone who knew them well
C. the church in the neighborhood       D. the richest family in the town 
58. What decision did the writer’s mom make in the fifth paragraph?
A. To give her extra money to a poor family.   
B. To thank the person who once helped her family.
C. To give some Christmas presents to a poor family in secret.  
D. To invite a poor family to spend Christmas with her family.  
59. This passage is written to ______.
A. show pity to the poor people        B. show human kindness  
C. thank the helper                 D. show the advantages of being rich
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