Puppies for Sale 待售的小狗A store owner was putting a sign above his door that read

Puppies for Sale 待售的小狗A store owner was putting a sign above his door that read


Puppies for Sale 待售的小狗
A store owner was putting a sign above his door that read “Puppies For Sale”. Signs like that have a way of   1  small children, and   2  enough, a little boy appeared under the store owner’s sign. “  3  are you going to sell the puppies for?” he asked.
The store owner replied, “Anywhere from $30    4  $ 50.”
The little boy   5  in his pocket and pulled out some   6 . “I have $ 2.37,” he said. “  7  I please look at them?”
The store owner   8  and whistled and out of the kennel (狗窝) came a lady, who ran down the aisle (过道) of his store   9  by five puppies. One puppy was   10 . Immediately the little boy singled out the puppy and said, “What’s   11  with that little dog?”
The store owner explained that the veterinarian (兽医) had   12  the little puppy and had discovered that it didn’t have a hip socket. It would always walk slowly and with difficulty. It would always be lame. The little boy became   13  “That’s the little puppy that I want to buy.”
The store owner said, “No, you don’t want to buy that little dog. If you really want him, I’ll just give him to you.”
The little boy got quite upset. He looked   14  into the store owner’s eyes, pointing his finger and said, “I don’t want you to give him to me. That little dog is worth every bit as much as all the other dogs and I’ll pay   15  price. In fact I’ll give you $2.37 now, and 50 cents a month    16  I have him paid for.”
The store owner answered, “You really don’t want to buy this little dog. He is   17  going to be able to jump and play with you like the other puppies.”
To his surprise, the little boy reached   18  and rolled up his pant leg to show a badly twisted, crippled (残疾的) left leg   19  by a big metal brace (支架). He looked up at the store owner and softly replied, “Well, I don’t run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who   20 !”
A.WhatB.How comeC.WhenD.How much
A.falling behindB.setting footC.lending a handD.putting forward
A.the priceB.the matterC.the weightD.the name



小题2:sure enough意为“果然如此”,表示事情的发展与预料的相符。
小题4: from … to …是固定搭配,此处指的是小狗的价格从30美元到50美元不等。
小题5:该句句意为“小男孩把手伸进口袋里,拿出一些零钱。”reach in把手伸进。
小题11:小男孩问“这只小狗怎么了?”what’s the matter with sth./sb.是一个固定句型,用来询问毛病或问题所在。
小题14:小男孩直视着商店老板的眼睛,look straight into sb.’s eyes直视某人的眼睛。
A young man who lived in London was in love with a beautiful girl. Soon she became his fiancée(未婚妻). The man was very poor while the girl was ___1__. The young man wanted to give her a ___2___ on her birthday. He wanted to buy something ___3___ for her, but he had no ___4___ how to do it, as he had very little __5___ The next morning he went to a shop. There were many fine things there; rings, gold watches, diamonds but all these things were __6___ There was one thing he could not take his eyes ___7___. ___8___ was a beautiful vase. That would be a wonderful present for __9___. He had been looking at the vase for half an hour ___10___ the manager asked what had happened to him.
The young man told him everything. The manager felt __11___ for him and decided to help him. A brilliant idea __12__ to him. The manager pointed to the corner of the shop. To his great ___13___, the young man saw a vase __14__ into many pieces. The manager said, “I can help you. I shall order my servant to ___15___ it and take it to your fiancée. When he enters the room, he will ___16___ it.”
On the birthday of his fiancée the young man was very ___17___ Everything happened as he had ___18___. The servant brought in the vase, and as he entered the room, he dropped it. There was __19___ on everybody’s face. When the vase was unwrapped, the guests saw that ___20__ was packed separately.
1. A. happy     B. rich    C. poor   D. angry
2. A. vase       B. coat    C. ring    D. present
3. A. important      B. necessary    C. separate      D. beautiful
4. A. way       B. thought      C. idea    D. path
5. A. time       B. thought      C. money       D. change
6. A. too expensive B. so cheap     C. too big       D. very beautiful
7. A. on   B. out     C. off      D. over
8. A. It    B. Which C. This    D. One
9. A. a man     B. him    C. a girl  D. his fiancée
10. A. when    B. while  C. since   D. after
11. A. sorry    B. sorrowful   C. worried      D. uneasy
12. A. stuck    B. came   C. helped D. struck
13. A. surprise       B. excitement  C. joy     D. horror
14. A. burst    B. broken       C. got     D. turned
15. A. wrap    B. send    C. buy     D. pick
16. A. watch   B. fall     C. drop   D. unwrap
17. A. exited   B. surprised    C. clam   D. busy
18. A. planned       B. told    C. realized      D. expected
19. A. expression    B. anger  C. horror D. fun
20. A. the vase       B. the present  C. all that       D. each piece
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Our airplane was just beside the airport building. It did not look too strong to me, but I decided not to think about such things. We saw the baggage going out ___1___ it on trolleys and being loaded from ___2___ the aircraft. Next, three men and three girls, all in uniform, went over to the plane and ___3___ it. Over the loudspeakers we were ___4___ the plane was ready to leave and were asked to walk ___5___ to it. Everybody moved quickly in order to ___6___ the seats they wanted. I was ___7___ to get a seat near the tail, but the plane looked ___8___ inside than it had from outside. I fastened my seat belt ___9___ we took off and tried to ___10___ my nervousness.  
After an hour’s flying I ___11___ black clouds ahead through my window. An electric sign flashed ___12___: “Fasten your seat belts, please,” one of the hostesses made a ___13___ request over the loudspeakers. She told us we were about to fly into a storm but ___14___ cheerfully there was nothing to worry ___15___. Suddenly, the plane ___16___ all over, dropped about twenty feet and seemed to hang on one ___17___. Then it rose twenty feet and there was a great flash of lightning. The three girls did their best to ___3___ pills for airsickness and ___19___ the passengers. Soon the sky became light again. The pilot had ___20___ to get above the storm.
1. A. at           B. over            C. to              D. above
2. A. inside        B. beside          C. behind           D. under
3. A. arrived      B. entered           C. climbed         D. flew
4. A. asked        B. noticed           C. announced            D. told
5. A. out         B. inside          C. in              D. by
6. A. fetch         B. hold            C. keep           D. get
7. A. impossible     B. possible          C. unable         D. unsuitable
8. A. prettier      B. stronger         C. smaller          D. heavier
9. A. before       B. after           C. until           D. when
10. A. smooth    B. forget          C. correct          D. drive
11. A. noticed     B. looked               C. watched         D. realized
12. A. on        B. up              C. out             D. in
13. A. general      B. similar               C. common        D. sharp
14. A. smiled     B. spoke          C. added            D. acted
15. A. at         B. about          C. on              D. with
16. A. shake       B. shaken               C. shook            D. shocked
17. A. edge        B. line             C. side            D. wing
18. A. give out   B. give off         C. give up          D. give back
19. A. save        B. cool            C. persuade        D. comfort
20. A. succeeded     B. flown              C. planned         D. managed
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Most people think of zoos as safe heavens for animals, where problems such as difficulty finding food and avoiding predators (食肉动物) don’t exist. Therefore, animals in zoos should live to a ripe old age.
But that may not be true for the largest land animals on earth. Scientists have known that elephants in zoos often suffer from poor health. They develop diseases and they are even unable to have babies.
To learn more about how captivity (圈养) affects elephants, a team of international scientists compared the lifespans (寿命) of the zoo-born elephants with the lifespans of thousands of wild elephants. They also compared some Asian elephants living in zoos with some Asian elephants which work in logging camp (伐木场), over almost the same time period.
The team found that elephants born in zoos lived an average of 16.9 years, but elephants that died of natural causes lived an average of 56 years. Asian elephants followed a similar pattern. In zoos, they lived 18.9 years, while those in the logging camp lived 41.7 years.
Scientists don’t yet know why wild elephants seem to live so much better than their zoo-raised counterparts (同类). Georgia Mason, a biologist at the University of Guelph in Canada, who led the study, thinks stress and obesity (肥胖) may be to blame. Zoo elephants don’t get the same kind of exercise they would in the wild. Elephants’ social lives are also much different in zoos than in the wild, where they live in large family groups.
小题1:Most people believe that________.
A.animals in zoos should live a longer life
B.zoos are not good for animals to live in
C.zoos are not suitable for large animals
D.captivity can affect animals in many ways
小题2:The purpose of the international scientists is_________.
A.to compare the lifespans of different animals
B.to find out how captivity affects elephants
C.to learn the lifespans of male and female elephants
D.to compare the lifespans of elephants in different places
小题3:Which elephants live the longest according to the study?
A.Elephants born in zoos.
B.Elephants that live in the wild.
C.Elephants that work in logging camps.
D.Female Asian elephants in logging camps.
小题4:We can infer from the passage that_________.
A.elephants in zoos suffer less stress than those in the wild
B.elephants in zoos live an easy life
C.social lives are not important to elephants
D.zoo life can be stressful to elephants
小题5:What are the advantages to elephants in the wild according to the passage?
A.They face fewer problems.B.They can find food more easily.
C.They live in large social groups.D.They are freer to move.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
What is freedom? It seems like such a simple question. Freedom is being able to do what you want to do. Allow me to explain it.
I’m tired of working for a living. I’d rather collect taxes. So that’s what I’m going to do: collect a kind of tax. You are ordered to estimate your income from the past 12 months, and write me a check for 1%. I have provided a mailing address for this purpose on my contact page …
What? You have a problem with my plan? Oh, I see. If you have to send me a check for the tax, then I have hurt your freedom to spend that money as you see fit. We have a conflict! And our basic problem is: we cannot enjoy freedom at the same time; we must settle for a limit. But what limit?
Libertarians (自由论者) believe freedom should be based on self-control. They describe freedom as being able to do what you want to do as long as it doesn’t influence the equal right of others to do what they want to do. That is, freedom is being able to do what you like as long as you do not harm another person’s life, liberty or property.
You can build a set of legal and ethical (道德的) rules on the principle of self-control, and libertarians do. Their request for self-control often becomes more important than common sense, or even freedom itself.
The definition rules out the freedom to steal, murder, and so on. Otherwise, you can do whatever you want. There is no problem until you realize that taxation is theft, that war is murder, and that national service is a form of slavery. Since only the government has a legal right to use force, libertarians focus on making the government smaller, or even going without it. The libertarians’ definition of freedom is thus freedom from the government. Isn’t it ridiculous?
小题1:According to the first three paragraphs, the author’s idea of collecting taxes is _________.
小题2:The author takes tax-collecting as an example in the passage to prove that freedom is _________.
小题3:In the opinion of libertarians, freedom is realized mainly by _________.
A.the lawB.self-controlC.ethical rulesD.common sense
小题4:Which of the following statements is supported by libertarians according to the passage?
A.National service should be canceled.
B.People can do whatever they want.
C.The government should have more power.
D.They should be governed by the government.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The key to a good interpersonal relationship is simple once you understand the role that needs play in making a relationship weak, moderate, average, or strong.
A person who fails in a relationship is someone who neglects the needs of his or her partner. So the first step to establish a successful relationship is to find out what needs the other person has. It is also very important to understand your own needs so that you can help the other person in the relationship to meet your needs.
Unfortunately, not only do many people fail to see or to understand their partner’s needs, but they do not understand their own. Children have wonderful relationships with their parents as long as their needs are being satisfied. When the needs are not satisfied, the relationship changes and problems arise. As a child grows, needs change; it is necessary that parents recognize these changes. As it is with the child to the parents, it is also with the parents to the child.
The way to recognize the needs of other people is by their responses to you. When you do or say something and you get a positive response, you are well on the way to being recognized. The same goes for you. What is it that you respond to in a positive manner? What do you feel good about getting and about doing? What are you totally guiltless about? What can you do with complete confidence and fearlessness? What emotional scene can you control without fear or guilt? Look in these areas for your needs and you will in all probability find your answers.
As stated, our own needs are often hidden. The techniques covered in the power of self-mind control will allow you to discover your needs and show you who you are in regard to interpersonal relationships. Your effectiveness in influencing and dealing with people will greatly increase the power of self-mind control.
小题1:From the passage we learn that ________.
A.it is hard to make good interpersonal relationships
B.there are several levels of relationships among people
C.the success of different interpersonal relationships can be measured by needs
D.the first step to establish a successful relationship is to know your own needs
小题2:According to Paragraph 2, the most important factor in dealing with people is to ________.
A.be kind to them and help them
B.only think of their needs
C.find out both your needs and theirs
D.learn some interpersonal techniques
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.A child’s needs change with his growth.
B.A child should also know his parents’ needs.
C.It’s easier to find your own needs than to find others’.
D.You can learn what others need by their responses to you.
小题4:The last two paragraphs are written mainly to tell us ________.
A.why some people fail in a relationship
B.how to increase the power of self-mind control
C.why our needs are often hidden
D.how to recognize others’ needs and yours

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