完形填空。                                                       Loving kindness is t

完形填空。                                                       Loving kindness is t

完形填空。                                                       Loving kindness is twice blessed
     I felt gloomy (沮丧的) the other  day.It had been dark and rainy, and I just didn"t feel so
     As I was sitting at my desk, I __2__ it was the birthday of a dear longtime friend-a single,
middleaged woman who has devoted the past 30 years to nursing and loves her __3__.
     Knowing that she doesn"t have a family in town, I __4__ to give her a call. Sure enough,
she was __5__ to work late into the evening, and wouldn"t have __6__ of a birthday this year.
As always, __7__, she sounded cheerful and was  happy that I __8__.
     After I hung up, I couldn"t __9__ the feeling that she would really  appreciate a little attention
on her special day. __10__ feeling a little gloomy myself, I tried to put it out of my mind, but as
the day passed I couldn"t shake the thought. I __11__ gave in, and that evening set off for the
hospital with a card, a cheese cake and some balloons. My friend"s grateful smile and joyful
surprise __12__ me I"d done the right thing and were a generous __13__ for the little effort it
had taken.
     When I got home, I realized that not only had I cheered up a __14__ friend on her birthday,
but my own gloomy feelings had also disappeared.  Making her day had __15__ my own!
     Isn"t that the way it is __16__ we take the time and make the __17__ to do something for
someone else? It"s like the little saying:"Loving kindness is twice blessed; it blesses him who gives,
and him who __18__."
     Life constantly presents us with __19__ to take an extra step or do a kind deed that will make
a difference to __20__. And the wonderful thing is that as we do, it changes things for the better for
us too.(     )1.A.special  
(     )2.A.explained  
(     )3.A.family  
(     )4.A.decided  
(     )5.A.surprised  
(     )6.A.many    
(     )7.A.though  
(     )8.A.admitted  
(     )9.A.experience  
(     )10.A.Almost  
(     )11.A.finally  
(     )12.A.advised  
(     )13.A.response  
(     )14.A.lonely  
(     )15.A.troubled  
(     )16.A.where  
(     )17.A.suggestion  
(     )18.A.tries  
(     )19.A.opportunities
(     )20.A.someone  B.nervous      
B.something     C.positive  
C.everyone  D.proud      
1-5CBDAC  6-10BABCD  11-15DCABC  16-20CDBAA
阅读理解。                                                          Community College
      Here I am, a senior. After four years of high school, I have learned a lot of lessons.
Some were good and valuable. And I have also learned others just from growing up and
being around other teenagers.
      I started senior year with a 1.5 GPA (=grade point average平均分,相当于65%),
which is not even close to what I am capable of. The last three years I fooled_around and
cut lots of classes. Now, I can easily say that it is the only thing in life that I regret. Next year
I will watch most of my friends go to college while I lost that chance. This does not mean that
I am giving up on my dreams, but when I started high school, my goal was to get great grades
and go to a competitive college.
      At first I blamed the people around me for my bad experiences, but I"ve learned that it"s my
fault when bad things happen. In the last three years I realized that I am the only one in control
of myself. While making my teachers and my peers the excuse for not wanting to go to class, I
developed a huge lying problem.
      If I could start over, I would in a heartbeat, but I can"t, so instead of beating myself up, I try
talking to younger teenagers about the importance of doing well in school by explaining the situation
I got myself into. Community college looks like a great opportunity. I am looking forward to taking
many credits and receiving good grades. I see community college as a year to turn my life around.
It"s my ticket out of here to wherever I want to go. I have another chance to make my future and
I"ve promised myself I won"t mess up.
      We need to study history so we won"t repeat our past; I"ve studied my personal history, and
will avoid my mistakes in the future. I am ready for the next task in life, the only question is, is it
ready for me?1. The author takes the community college seriously because he wants to ________.   A. show his ability to be one of the top students
B. prove that others did wrong to him before
C. improve himself and win others" respect
D. get the opportunity to apply for a good job2. Which of the following is NOT the author"s advice?A. To behave well at school is necessary.
B. Others should be blamed for our hard time.
C. Learn from past, don"t make mistakes.
D. Be hopeful, choose community college.3. From the passage, we know that the author is ________.A. easygoing and hard working                        
B. confident and responsible
C. sensible and independent              
D. honest and ambitious4. The underlined phrase "fooled around" in the second paragraph means "________".  A. wasted time    
B. played tricks
C. made faces          
D. felt ashamed
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     One of my closest friends has a family tradition that I quite like, and I"ve been slowly trying
to implement(实施) in my own family. Basically, each year after Thanksgiving dinner, all of the
people sit around in the living room and each person takes a few minutes and talks about the
thing they are most thankful about over the last year. Everyone in the family takes the question
seriously and answers it honestly, giving thanks for what really matters and adds value to their life.
     This is something I"ve actually thought about a lot in the last year, and I really came up with
two things, one obvious and one not so much.
     The first one, obviously, is the conception and birth and healthiness of my daughter. She"s a
healthy, happy twomonthold baby who smiles a lot and very much enjoys sitting on her dad"s lap.
I am so thankful for having this wonderful baby in my life, and thankful that she has the gift of
good health.
     The second one isn"t my financial turnaround (as some of you might have expected-that was
what I was most thankful for last year). Instead, I am thankful for the discovery of the value of
writing in my life. A year ago, The Simple Dollar was only a few weeks old and was far from
popular yet-according to my data, on Thanksgiving Day last year I had about 60 subscribers.
The process of writing was bringing me enjoyment. This past year showed me otherwise, and I
am deeply thankful for it. After thinking about it for a while, I began to realize that it is a very
powerful and wonderfully positive exercise. You spend time reflecting deeply on the positives in
your life, and you often realize that even when things are bad, you do have lots to be thankful for
because there is a lot of good in your life, and it can shine a bright light even in a dark spot in your
life. I hope to repeat this each year on Thanksgiving, because it brought forth a pretty strong joy in
my life today.1. What does the family tradition mentioned in the first paragraph refer to? A. Having Thanksgiving dinner together.
B. Enjoying the warm family atmosphere together.
C. Talking about the things they appreciate most.
D. Talking about their attitude towards future life.2. The author is thankful for the fact that ________. A. she has a happy and healthy baby
B. her daughter likes playing with her dad
C. her daughter makes her dull life full of fun
D. her daughter is losing weight3. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.  A. the author keeps doing exercise to strengthen her body
B. the author once suffered financial difficulty
C. the author will not go on writing until she discovers the value of writing
D. writing has made the author known nationwide4. According to the last paragraph, what does the author realize?A. People should have low expectation.
B. People should find a suitable career.
C. People should reflect on their mistakes.
D. People should hold a positive attitude.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Nobody knows for absolute certainty all the details of the life of Aesop. However, scholars have
been working to established some facts and this is the brief story of Aesop as it is accepted today.
     Aesop was born a slave around the year 620 B.C. In Ancient Greece , it was a privilege and
tradition of freedmen to be interested in public affairs, so Aesop worked hard to raise himself from a
servile slave"s position to a high position of renown. He was a thinker and philosopher and eventually
became widely admired.
     Aesop was a smart man and a good speaker. He liked to learn and to also teach people, so he
traveled through many countries. He came to Sardis, the capital of the famous king Croesus of Lydia
who was a patron of learning and learned men.
     Croesus was so impressed by Aesop that he invited Aesop to permanently reside at Sardis. The
king hired Aesop to do diplomatic government work such as trying to establish peace between the
various republics of Greece. Aesop reconciled the inhabitants of these cities by telling his wise fables.
     It was on one of these ambassadorial missions that Aesop was killed. Croesus had sent him to
Delphi with lots of gold which was to be distributed among the citizens. After talking with the people
of Delphi, Aesop got so mad at the citizens because of their covetousness. He refused to divide the
money and instead sent it back to his master. The Delphians were so mad they executed Aesop as a
public criminal.
     As it often happens in Greek history, the Delphians were visited by a series of calamities as a sort
of retribution for Aesop"s death. This is where the phrase "the blood of Aesop" originated. The saying
means "wrongful deeds will not go unpunished".
     In memory of Aesop, a statue was erected in Athens. The statue was created by the famous Greek
sculptor, Lysippus.1. Why did Aesop work so hard?A. Because he wanted to be an official.  
B. Because he desired to join in public affairs.
C. Because he wanted to make more money.  
D. Because he wanted to write wise fables.2. According to Paragraph 3, Aesop traveled through many countries to __________.A. spread knowledge  
B. seek help    
C. admire the scenery  
D. collect facts3. Croesus hired Aesop to _________.A. establish relations with other republics    
B. handle interal affairs of Lydia
C. be in charge of his wealth            
D. publish the neighboring republics of Greece4. Which of the following word can best describe Croesus?A. Strong-willed.    
B. Generous.      
C. Adventurous.      
D. Knowledgeable.5. The phrase "the blood of Aesop" probably means "__________".A. No pains, no gains.                  
B. Well begun is half done.
C. It"s no use crying over spilt milk.        
D. Wrongful deeds will not go unpunished.
题型:广东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案

     When you are little,it"s not hard to believe you can change the world.I remember my
enthusiasm when,at the age of 12,I addressed the people at the Rio Earth Summit."I am
only a child," I told them."Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on
ending poverty and finding environmental answers,what a wonderful place this world
would be.At school you teach us not to fight with others,to work things out,to respect
others,to clean up our mess,not to hurt other creatures,to share,not to be greedy.Then
why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do.You grownups say you love
us,but I challenge you,please,to make your actions reflect your words."
     I spoke for six minutes and received a standing ovation.Some of the people even
cried.I thought that maybe I had reached some of them,that my speech might actually
spur (刺激) action.Now,ten years from Rio,after I"ve sat through many more conferences,
I"m not sure what has been achieved.My confidence in the people in power and in the
power of an individual"s voice to reach them has been deeply shaken.
     When I was little,the world was simple.But as a young adult,I"m learning that as we
have to make choices-education,career,lifestyle-life gets more and more complicated.
We are beginning to feel pressure to produce and be successful.We are taught that
economic growth is progress,but we aren"t taught how to seek a happy,healthy way
of living.And we are learning that what we wanted for the future when we were 12
was idealistic and naive (天真的).
     Today I"m no longer a child,but I"m worried about what kind of environment my
children will grow up in.I know change is possible,because I am changing,still figuring
out what I think.I am still deciding how to live my life.The challenges are great,but if
we accept individual responsibility and make choices,we will rise to the challenges,
and we will become part of the positive tide of the change.I hope this goal will be
met through our common efforts.Thank you all.

1.The purpose of what the speaker said at the age of 12 was to________.A.end poverty and make schools beautiful
B.find environmental answers and show off
C.focus people"s attention on some social problems
D.find a wonderful place and clean it up2.What does the underlined word "ovation" in the second paragraph refer to?A.A long period of laughing.
B.A cold and unfriendly welcome.
C.An expression used for greeting.
D.Great applause or cheering.3.The information in the text is presented mainly through________.A.question and answer  
B.a personal lecture
C.cause and effect  
D.listing steps in a process4.Which of the following best describes the speaker?A.He is an experienced educator.
B.He is an impolite man.
C.He is a man of great worries.
D.He is a man of social responsibility.
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案

     If  you have ever been discouraged because of failure,please read on.For often,achieving what you
__1 __to do is not the important thing.Let me explain.
     Two brothers decided to dig a__2 __hole behind their house.As they were working,a couple of older
boys stopped by to__3 __.
     "What are you doing?"asked one of the visitors.
     "We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!" one of the brothers__4 __excitedly.
     The older boys began to laugh,__5 __the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was__6 __.After a long__7 __,one of the diggers picked up a jar full of spiders,worms and a wide variety of insects.He__8 __the lid and showed the wonderful contents to the scoffing (嘲笑)__9 __.
     Then he said quietly and__10__,"Even if we don"t dig all the way through the earth,look what we have
found along the way!"
     Their__11__was far too ambitious,but it did__12__them to dig.And that is what a goal is for-to cause us to move in the__13__we have chosen;__14__to set us to digging!
     But not every goal will be fully__15__.Not every job will end successfully.Not every relationship will
endure.Not every hope will come to pass.Not every love will last.Not every endeavor will be completed.
Not every dream will be__16__.
     But when you__17__your aim,perhaps you can say,"Yes,__18__look at what I found along the way!
Look at the wonderful things which have come into my life because I tried to do something!"
     It is in the__19__that life is lived.And I believe it is joy in the journey,in the end,that truly__20__.

(     )1. A.look forward  
(     )2. A.wide        
(     )3. A.watch        
(     )4. A.whispered    
(     )5. A.expressing  
(     )6. A.unnecessary  
(     )7. A.silence      
(     )8. A.folded      
(     )9. A.volunteers    
(     )10. A.confidently  
(     )11. A.idea        
(     )12. A.make        
(     )13. A.decision    
(     )14. A.as a result  
(     )15. A.achieved    
(     )16. A.predicted  
(     )17. A.correspond to
(     )18. A.but        
(     )19. A.searching  
(     )20. A.regards   B. set out      
B. deep          
B. discuss      
B. commented    
B. explaining    
B. impossible    
B. intention    
B. covered      
B. hunters      
B. curiously    
B. thought      
B. expect        
B. feeling      
B. in other words
B. absorbed      
B. grasped      
B. head for      
B. so            
B. digging      
B. proves        C. set about    
C. large        
C. introduce    
C. lectured    
C. telling      
C. unbelievable  
C. recreation  
C. removed      
C. contributors  
C. immediately  
C. goal        
C. cause        
C. chance      
C. now and then  
C. controlled  
C.  realized    
C. live up to  
C. and          
C. arranging    
C. occurs      D. give in      
D. shallow      
D. instruct    
D. volunteered  
D. arguing      
D. incorrect    
D. imagination  
D. deleted      
D. visitors    
D. strictly    
D. belief      
D. force        
D. direction    
D. all the way  
D. decided      
D. depended    
D. fall short of
D. or          
D. discovering  
D. matters      
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案


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