You have heard of Webster Toys.Webster have made good,safe,interesting toys for more than a hundred years.Now,we sell them,and children play with them,in countries from New Zealand to Norway and from Japan to Brazil.We are looking for someone to sell our toys in the
Far East.He or she,should be between the ages of thirty and forty.He should already have some years of selling experience in world markets.He should speak English well,and at least one other Far Eastern language.
The person we are looking for would live in Singapore and work in one office there,but he must travel for up to six months a year.He should know the Far East quite well.He should know how to sell in established markets and where to find new ones.He should understand money and make more than ever before,for himself and for Webster Toys.
Webster want someone who can stand on his own feet.If you think you are the person we are looking for,write to Mr.J.Sloman at our Head Office
这是我们初三的阅读题 我想知道
- 太阳直射点回归运动的最主要原因是
- 战国时期产生了一些成语,其中“退避三舍”与下列哪位人物有关( A.齐桓公B.宋襄公C.晋文公D.秦穆公
- y=5x-10在坐标轴上作出5<x≤8的图像,我知道有空心圈,实心圈,不知道圈在哪里,
- 在2/3,1/6,1/9,1/12,1/15,1/18中,去掉( )和( )这两个分数后,余下的分数相加的和是1.
- “冉”字少一横怎么用五笔打,读什么
- 在赤道地区主要的降水类型是(),其原因是()
- |X平方-3x-4|
- 5个数的平均数是18,把其中一个数改为6后,这5个数的平均数是16,被改动的数原来是_.
- 今有鸡兔同笼,上有35个头,下有94只脚,问鸡、兔各有多少只?
- 电解水的实验,探究水的组成:通电分解水时,应通()电.