英语演讲稿100词左右 带翻译
英语演讲稿100词左右 带翻译
THE EARTH,our dearest mother--BUT,my friends,do any of you have considered how serious the problem will be when the earth is polluted,the air is not fresh,the forest is not flourishing?The environment pollution exist everywhere,the earth will lose its luster noon.my friends,shold we still keep insensible?our earth mother is not smiling anymore,doesn‘t it do something to us?Let‘s moving,my dear classmates,carry out environmental protection with a trifle to make the earth a pure land,and,let it hold a charming smile!
地球 ,我们最亲爱的母亲.但是 ,当大地被污染 ,当空气不再新鲜,当森林不再茂密.亲爱的朋友 ,您想过吗?这是一个多么严重的问题!污染环境的问题随处可见,地球母亲即将失去往日的光彩.朋友,请问我们还能够无动于衷吗?朋友们.对于污染环境的问题 随处可见 ,母亲不在微笑.难道我们不心痛吗?亲爱的同学们,让我们行动起来,从小事做起.展开环保活动,还母亲一片净土.让我们的母亲从新拥有一个迷人的微笑.
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