A mother and her young sons……在短文中改十个错误
A mother and her young sons……在短文中改十个错误
A mother and her young sons got into a bus and sat down.The bus conductor came to their for ther tickets.The mother said,"I want one ticket to London," and give her two pounds.
The conductor looked the small boy for a moment and said to him,"How old are you "
The mother began speaking,and the conductor stopped her,and the boy said,"I'm four years old at
the home,and two and a half in buses and trains."
The mother took one pound out her bag and gave the conductor.She gave her one and a half ticket.
A mother and her young 【son】 got 【on】 a bus and sat down.The bus conductor came to their 【place】for ther tickets.The mother said,"I want one ticket to London," and 【gave】 her two pounds.The co...
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