

One-operator accounts range in price from $15 per month to $99 per year.For more operators and longer subscription periods,we offer discounts up to 45%.Our reasonable prices make our chat service an optimal solution for small and medium sized online businesses.
ProvideSupport chat is available in your language.It uses Unicode and supports most world characters and scripts.
Hundreds of stock chat icons,header background images,operator pictures and chat invitation skins from our galleries allow you to customize the visual aspects of the chat window on the visitor's side.All these images are free for use with our service.You can also create and upload your own images for even better branding.Functional customization includes adjustments of start chat from fields,system messages,fonts,chat transcript settings,chat invitations etc.
For security sensitive web sites,you can enable SSL secured connection for chats.When SSL is enabled,all chat messages are transmitted over the secure 256-bit SSL encrypted connection,preventing unauthorized parties from reading your live chat conversations.Our chat servers are hosted in trusted and reputable data centers.For software development,we've used only proven,object oriented programming languages and methodologies.This allows us to offer high quality service at low prices,along with 99.9% uptime.
Easy to setup
Installing a live chat button on your website takes only a few minutes.Just create an account and follow the Setup Instructions to install the chat button.Your new account will be preconfigured and ready to use.During the free trial period all features are fully available.When you subscribe,all customizations and account settings that you've made on your account will remain.
Easy to use
Provide Support live chat is a web based solution.No software installation required.Our browser-based live chat window can be used on both the visitor and operator sides.
For operators using Microsoft Windows,Apple Mac or Linux platforms we offer a free downloadable versions of the operator chat client - Stand-Alone Operator Console.It includes many additional useful features such as spell checker,geo location map,etc.


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