Coming to a new place and meeting a lot of new people naturally includes introducing
oneself for quite a number of times. But as Fyodor Dostoyevsky lets his narrator in the Letters
from the Underworld say: “By the way, what is it that all respectable men talk about most
readily? Answer – about themselves. So I too will talk about myself.”1 So I will join in and as
I have done for a hundred times this past week I will happily introduce myself another time,
this time in writing and in essay style.
My name is Matthias Haufe and I am from Erlangen, a beautiful town in the northern part
of Bavaria, Germany. The surrounding region is known as Frankonia, which I mention,
because quite a few people there pride themselves as being Frankonians rather than
Bavarians. There I spent the past thirteen years of my life, going to school, doing my civil
service and later attending university. Before that I had lived in a small German village for six
years and in Tokyo, Japan for four years. So if one takes all the aforementioned numbers they
amount to 23, which is also my age. Having mentioned university, the question immediately
arising is of course that of what I study. I major in English and Religion and minor in History
and before I came here I had just finished the fifth semester of my studies. The goal of my
studies is to become a teacher in a German “Gymnasium“, which roughly corresponds to an
American high school.
So much about my identity. “But how does it come that you are in Kalamazoo now? Why
Kalamazoo?“ is probably the question that would arise next. Right on the very first day of my
studies in Germany all the language students were highly recommended by the professors to
spend at least some time abroad, with the aim to gain experience in the language they learn
and also to get to know the culture of that country. I considered that a good idea and formed
the plan in my head to study abroad for a year after my intermediate exam, especially as I feltKalamazoo College now.
Being a German studying English to become a teacher my first and foremost goal for this
coming year is of course to improve my English and get to know the country and the culture
where this language is spoken. That means I am curious to see how Americans live, how they
spend their time and what they think about political, historical, religious and social issues.
Getting to know the culture also includes visiting different places that might be especially
interesting for their historic meaning, for the importance they have for America today and
their influence on it or just for the beauty of their landscape. Besides that, I am planning to
learn at least some Spanish, a language that seems to be gaining quite some influence in the
United States at the moment, judging from what I have seen and heard in the short time I have
been staying in this country.
In addition to these rather America related issues, I would like to gain knowledge in some
more general fields of learning. By attending some of the religion classes and hopefully
reading some books on my own, I want to get an idea of the historical development and the
present situation of American theology. For my minor history I hope to get an overview over
some periods of European history and broaden my knowledge about American history, as an
overview is exactly what I need but a thing much more difficult to attain at a German
university than at Kalamazoo College, as it seems to me. Additionally, I hope to find the time
to attend a physical education class or two and maybe get to know new sports like raquetball
or ultimate frisbee.
Of course, there will be a lot of things that I will learn that I probably never expected to find
in this place. Being together with the other international students for only one week, already
taught me more about other countries and nationalities than I had learnt for the past two years
or so. And this was a thing I did not necessarily expect at a college in a rather small city in the
Midwest. Thus I am open for all the things that I might have to learn here - things that I
maybe never even thought of getting to know before - even if they do not correspond at all to
what I had in mind to learn and achieve when coming here.
- 利用分解因式分解计算1-2^2+3^2-4^2+......-100^2+101^2
- 下列经济业务发生后,使资产或权益总额不变的项目有 多选题
- 直线2x-y+3=0的倾斜角所在的区间为
- 非常感谢你为我拍照 用英语怎么说?
- The spaceship flew into the sky.改否定句
- 求在抛物线y=X平方上点x=3处的切线方程
- 高一函数【f(x)=x+1】
- 如果规定0.1=10/1=10的负一次方,0.01=100/1=10的负二次方,0.001=1000/1=10的负三次方,...那么,你能用a×10的n次方(1≤|a|<10)的形式表示0.05和0.
- 大熊猫的年龄是小熊猫的3倍,再过4年,大熊猫的年龄与小熊猫年龄的和是28岁,问大,小熊猫现在各几岁?(求完整算式解答)
- 一个矩形的长比宽多6,宽为x,面积为y
- 一件工作,甲独做要12天,乙独做要18天,丙独做要24天.这件工作由甲先做了若干天,然后由乙接着做,乙做的天数是甲做的天数的3倍,再由丙接着做,丙做的天数是乙做的天数的2倍,终
- 太阳 宇宙 银河 月亮 地球排列顺序
- 如果不等式组2x-a<1 x-2b>3的解集为0<x<1,那么(a-2)(b+5)的值等于
- 美术组拍摄一张集体照片,一张底片和三张照片共收成本4元,加印一张加收5角,美术组有5人,如果都要一张照片,每人平均要付多少元
- 体积为V=200cm³的木块在绳子拉力F=0.8N的作用下完全浸没在水中,g=10N/kg,ρ=1.0×10³kg/m³,绳子重力不记,求:1)木块此时受到浮力.2)木块
- 乙醇和浓硫酸加热后如何提取乙醚?
- 钟面上4时整,时针和分针所组成的最小角是( )角,他有( )度?
- 2的m次方加2的m次方减3*2的m加1次方等于多少
- 除去杂草的最佳方法是什么?一哲学家问
- That is the very book ____ I am looking for.A.t