求一段3分钟关于圣诞节的三人英语对话.急 ...
求一段3分钟关于圣诞节的三人英语对话.急 ...
说错了 ..
a——Christmas is coming,what do you plan to do on that special day?
b——I am not sure yet,maybe i will go to a nice restaurant with a couple of my friends and celebrate the holiday.
c—— that sounds nice.do you know the meaning of christmas?
a ——i know it is a western holiday.
b—— just like the spring festival in china
c—— not exactly.christmas is to remember the birth of God's Son Jesus Christ.He was born many years ago in December.
a ——oh,that's right.i heard of His story before.
b ——that's interesting.i also know that there are a lot of christmas songs which are about Jesus.
c—— yes.there are other christmas songs too.not just about Jesus.i love all the songs about christmas,they all sound so joyful.
a—— how about we celebrate the festival together?it is on weekend.
b,c ——that's a good idea.we will do that!
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