The following rules of interpretation must be applied in interpreting this
Agreement:(a) the headings used in this Agreement are for reference and convenience only and will not enter into the interpretation of this Agreement,(b) the provisions of the Exhibit(s) to this Agreement are incorporated into this Agreement,(c) as used in this Agreement,
the term “including” will always be deemed to mean “including,without limitation,” and (d) this Agreement shall not be construed against either Party as the drafter of this Agreement.
- 对本协议进行解释时必须应用下列的解释规则:
a) 本协议所使用的标题仅作为参考和便利目的,不纳入协议解释范畴;
b) 所有的附录将成为本协议有效的内容;
c) 在本协议中所提及的“包括”将始终被视为是“包括但不局限于”的意思.
d) 本协议不该被理解为任何一方是本协议的起草单位.
16.No Commitment.Nothing in this Agreement will constitute a commitment by either Party to develop or disclose any information or materials,including any Confidential Information,or to acquire or recommend any product,service or asset of the other Party.The provision of Confidential Information to Receiving Party as contemplated under this Agreement and discussions held in connection with the Possible Business Arrangement between the Parties will not prevent either Party from pursuing similar discussions with third parties or obligate either Party to continue discussions with the other Party,nor will either Party otherwise be obligated to take,continue or forego any action with respect to the Possible Business Arrangement.Disclosing Party makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of
any information or materials provided in connection with this Agreement.
16.不作承诺 – 本协议并不构成是任何一方向对方承诺开发、或公开任何信息或材料,包括任何“机密信息”、或购买或者推荐任何产品、服务或对方的资产.向“接收方”提供本协议所计议的“机密信息”或与双方“有可能的商业安排”相关的商讨,并不妨碍任何一方与第三方进行相同的商讨,或导致任何一方负有义务继续与对方商谈,双方也没有义务一定要根据“有可能的商业安排”采取、持续或放弃任何行动.提供与本协议有关的任何信息或材料的一方并不保证其准确性或完整性.
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