Part 1 please revise the following sentences so as to make them formal and acceptable in business situation.
1.The letter I am writing is about your order for computers.
2.If you don’t improve your service,we will cancel the contract.
3.Come and repair the machine we bought from you last week.
4.We want to have your payment soon.
5.We can’t refund your payment.
6.We can reduce the price for large orders.
7.We strongly ask that you refund at least 10percent of our money.
8.We are extremely sorry that we can not accept the price.
9.I must tell you that you have delayed the payment by two months.
10.I will be very glad if you could pay us before the end of the month.
11.I am not sure if you could come to the worksite on Tuesday morning.
12.I received your letter which informs me of the latest prices of your computers
13.In this letter I’m complaining about your services.
14.We delivered the goods to you three months ago.
- 已知原价450翻了一倍=900加百分之十45=945现价 ,求算出原价的公式
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- 首怎么组词
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- I feel (much/even/far) better than before.
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