初中英语作文:(MY MOTHER’S LOVE) 60词?
初中英语作文:(MY MOTHER’S LOVE) 60词?
my mother is a village woman and she loves me very much. she is in her fifties now. she has very little school education but she knows that knowledge is very important. she often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to study hard.she cares for me well and does all she can so that I can have more time to study.
once I rushed home to see her,because she was badly ill.she had stayed in bed for several days. when I got home at night,i found the light still on and mother still sitting on the bed, making new clothes for me. I was so deeply moved that I burst into tears. such is my mother, a simple ,kind and hard-working woman.(手写不易, 望多多支持哦!)
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