In July,my friend and i are taking a camping trip.we will travel for four weeks and will tour the united states and part of Canada.we have decided to camp because it does notcost as much as vacationing in hotels.
We had to plan very carefully.first,the car we are going to drive small,so we decided to take only one small suitcase each and as few camping things as possible.we will take some medicine with us,to prevent insects from burring us,and also food for picnics.second,there is a lot to see in the united states and canada,so we had to decide on the direction we wanted to drive.
All of this planning took a long time
The date we are leaving is july 2.we want to see and do many thingd on our camping tour.we want to climb in the mountain rivers.we want to visit many cities and talk to many people.we also want to find a hotel room if it rains at night.we hope to have an exciting trip
()6.the two friends are going to take a camping trip( ).
6.A(we will travel for four weeks and will tour the united states and part of Canada.)7.C(we hope to have an exciting trip.)8.C(second,there is a lot to see in the united states and canada,so we had t...
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