有关网络的演讲稿 英文
有关网络的演讲稿 英文
Today I'd like to talk about internet.I believe everyone sitting here knows internet a lot,and some of you are on the internet all the day.Internet has change our life dramatically.Nowdyas,we use internet to help with our work,to communicate with our friends,to search for information,to shop online,and to do innumerous other things.So many things we can do on the internet that I think most of people here cannot live without it now.However,as it brings significant convenience to our daily life,what's the disadvantages it has?The first thing I'd like to mention,is its harm to our health.Why?Because thanks to internet,we can manage to do many things by simply staring at the screen and clicking the mouse,which,eventually,is very likely to result in bad eyesight and obesity.In other words,Internet is stealing our excercise time!Not only this?Oh,my,the radioactive emission from the devices used for suffering online could actually cause you cancer?!In addition,a lot of computer viruses are hidden after a lot of links on the websites.Be careful!Control your curiosity!Otherwise,it'd be lucky if you only spend hundreds of dollars in fixing your computer and just losing some datas in your hardware.So,for your health concern,keep off the internet after using it for a while.
Anyway,though sometimes the internet may sound a little scary,it's still a very useful tool.You just need to learn how to use it wisely.Thanks!
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