When she was what did she do in the past 我四五两个题不会
When she was what did she do in the past 我四五两个题不会
Nancy Yi Fan is the New York Times bestselling author of swordbird.She was born in 1993 in China.When she was seven years old,she moved with her parents to the United States.She knew the event of 9.11 at the age of eleven."Well,I want my books to bring a message about the importance of peace and freedom in the world to readers,"Fan said.
Fan writes the novel in both English and Chinese.She learns English very well.She shares the secrets of her success with us:You should have a goal,and then,go for it.
1.Who is introduced in this passage?
2.When and where was she born?
3.What does she do?
4.What did she do in the past?
5.What was her main achievement?
1.Nancy Yi Fan
2. She was born in 1993 in China.
3. She writes a novel about the importance of peace and freedome in reader's life.
4. She learned English very well.
5. She writes the novel both in English and Chinese.
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