what was she thinking about?
what was she thinking about?
this is not for translation,thank you.
we were lovebird just for weeks and later broke up as common friends,but i did care about her but too reserved to spit it out.a few month ago,she asked me out for a part-time interview.she said she needed my help and the reason was i was pretty good in English which was essential for the job.so i'v been wondering if she was thinking about...what do you guys say about this?
it's hard to say.i think you can give it a try and have a little test on her.normally people are not likely to ask their old lovers for help cause it's embarrassing and misleading.but maybe she is an extroverted girl and doesnt care much about this.if she wants you back,she will show her true feelings more or less,in her way of talking with you,the way she look at you,what she says,etc.either she is just asking for a favor from a common friend or she is using it as an excuse to get you back,you're gonna find it out by yourself.it seems you still have some feelings for her.good luck..
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