

名词前不加冠词的几种情况 1.泛指的复数名词前: People have always dreamed of flying high up into space.人们一直梦想能在高空中飞翔. 2.泛指的抽象名词前: Life is always presenting new things to children.生活总是不断地呈现给孩子们新的东西. 3.泛指的物质名词前: Iron and steel play an im portant role in industry.钢铁在工业生产中起到重要的作用. 4.一日三餐的名称前: Have you had breakfast?你吃过早饭了吗? 5.语言或学科的名词前: He can speak not only English but also Japanese.他不但会讲英语而且还会讲日语. 6.季节、月份、星期、节日等名词前: Autumn is the season of harvest.秋天是收获的季节. June 1st is Children's Day.六月1日是儿童节. We have English classes on Monday and Thursday.我们周一和周四有英语课. 7.球类运动或棋类游戏名称前: They all like to play football.他们都喜欢踢足球. 8.有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词等修饰的名词前: Each age has its pleasures and pains.每个年龄层次有不同的乐趣和苦恼. I want this car,not that car.我想要这辆小汽车,不是那辆. There is some water in the cup.杯子里面有些水. 9.大多数专有名词前: Do you know Nanjing Road in Shanghai?你知道上海的南京路吗? 10.用作称呼语或表示头衔的名词前: W hat are you reading,Boy?孩子,你在读什么? He is head of the factory.他是工厂的厂长. 11.用于表示家庭成员或 nurse,cook,teacher等具有our nurse(cook,teacher)意义时: Teacher was very pleased with our work.老师对我们的工作很满意. M other was being m ade up looking like the ideal,m iddle-aged housewife.妈妈慢慢变成了典型的中年家庭主妇. 12.用于固定词组中: M y son has gone to school.我儿子已经去上学了. Did you travel by train?你是乘火车旅行的吗? They walked on foot covering great distances.他们步行走了很远的路. We had a good time in town last Sunday.上个星期天我们在小镇上过得很愉快. You shouldn't use such bad language in front of the children.你不应该在孩子们面前说这样难听的话. I wish I could do something for you in return.作为回报我希望能为你做些什么. 定冠词基本用法: 1)特指某人、某事 Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. 惠灵顿是新西兰的首都. 2)指世上独一无二的事物 We have friends all over the world .我们的朋友遍天下. The moon goes around the earth .月亮绕着地球转. The sun is rising in the east .太阳在东方冉冉升起. 3)重提前文中提到过的人或事物(即文中第二次出现的人或事物) He, suddenly, saw an isolated house at the foot of the mountain. And curiosity made him approaching the house. 他突然看到山脚下有一栋孤独的房子;好奇心驱使他向那栋房子走了过去. 4)说话人和听话人都熟悉的人或事物 Be sure to bring me the book when you come next time. 你下次来一定要将那本带给我. 5)用于序数词、形容词的最高级形式、和表示方位的名词前 Thanksgiving Day is on the 4th Thursday in November. 感恩节在每年十一月的第四个星期四. Changjiang is the longest river in China. 长江是中国最长的河流. Japan lies to the east of China .日本位于中国的东面. He is one the most famous football stars in the world. 他是世界最著名的足球明星之一. 6)间或用于单数的可数名词前表示泛指 The compass was invented in China.指南针是中国发明的. The horse is a useful animal .马是有用的动物. The tiger is in danger of extinct .老虎有绝种的危险. The monkey is a clever animal. 猴是一种聪明的动物. 注:这种"泛指"是从整个属类的意义上说,而不是"用一个人或物来说明整个属类的 特点".也就是说,属前者情况时加用定冠词表示泛指,属后者情况时则加不定冠词表示泛指. 7)用于某些由普通名构成的专有名词前 the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States of America 美利坚合众国 the Ming Dynasty 明朝 the Great Wall长城 the Great Cultural Revolution文化大革命 8)用于某些词组中.这种用法是约定束成的,我们只有遵从而无旁的选择. in the morning ( afternoon , evening )上午(下午,晚上) go to the cinema 看电影 on the whole总体上 to the best of就……所及 the sane as 和……一样 out of the question不可能的 on the one hand一方面 on the other hand 另一方面 on the average一般说来 on the contrary相反地 in the least 一点,丝毫 in the long run从长远来看 in the event of 万一 in the final analysis归根结底 9)定冠词 形容词使形容词名词化 We always stand for the oppressed and the exploited. 我们永远支持受压迫、受剥削的人们. The aged are well taken care of in the community. 在这个社区,老人得到了很好的照顾. She was fond of writing about the unusual. 她喜欢写一些古怪的题材. The school for the deaf and the blind is just newly built. 那所聋哑人学校是刚刚新建的.


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