找人把英文信翻成中文 拒绝机译
找人把英文信翻成中文 拒绝机译
I apologize for not writing for a long time.Right now,there is a lot of tension in my family and I've been very emotional lately.I hope you are not too mad at me,for it was and still is hard for me to go through.
I got a fair grade,which I was pleased with.But I now have some homework that is a bit confusing.I should probably work on it today because it is do the day after tomorrow.
This year is the tear of the Rabbit,correct?I may be wrong but isn't it that even though it's the year of the rabbit,you celebrate the year of the cat?Or am I wrong?I'm sorry,I don't know much about it.What year of the zodiac were you born in?I was born in the year of the Ox.
No,my birthday has not passed yet!It does not happen until November 11!When is your Birthday,I would very much like to celebrate it with you,too!
I do not really have many idols,except my favorite musician,Emilie Autumn.Who are your idols?
I hope you have fun at your sis's home!Tell me how it goes!
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