1 An unforgettable exam
So many exams have I experienced that I forget most of them right now.But there is one exam that I would never forget.
That was an English examination among the series of final term exams.
When I arrived at the school gate there were lots of stduents waiting for the exams.But I didn't know that those pupils were all on the lower grade and the exam for me had just started.
I kept waiting with thoses students for about thirty minutes till I found there was somthing wrong.
I hurried to the teaching buiding and went into the classroom only to find that the listening text had just finished.I was hopeless at that time.
Well that was my unforgettable exam.
2 An Unforgettable Test
Last Sunday,I took the GRE.It was the longest test I had ever taken.I entered the examination room at eight o’clock and did not come out until twelve.For the first hour I sat there waiting anxiously for the proctor to give out the paper.Then the exam officially began.I saw nothing but the test paper.How time flew.I did one section after another.The test was over without my knowing it.
Earlier I had taken many teats,yet at no test did I feel time so limited as this one.Usually there is plenty of time for me to go over what I have written when I finish the test.I would sit there waiting restlessly for the test to be over.
But this time,it took me over twenty minutes to have finished the two sections on math at a much slower speed than usual.God bless me.I wish I had been careful enough this time.
At noon,someone came over to talk with me about the test,which put me in doubt of whether or not I had put the number of my test certificate right on the answer sheet.I was sure I fined in the number,but I did not remember whether or not I had circled the corresponding number under it.
Howevet,maybe all of My efforts are not made in vain.It would be terrible if I got no grades after working so hard.
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