Take appropriate amount of corn (or rice) burst into flower pot,and closed a good roof,then burst on the rice pot on the stove so that they continue to turn the heat evenly,can be delicious out to the popcorn.
This is in the heating process,the pot temperature rising,and the pot of gas pressure is also increasing.When the temperature is elevated to a certain extent,the rice grains will be gradually softened,cooked rice with most of the water into steam.Due to high temperature,water vapor pressure is great,so that has softened the expansion of the rice grains.But this time the pressure inside and outside the grain of rice is balanced,so grain of rice in the pot will not burst open.
When the pot atmospheric pressure rose to 4-5 months,suddenly burst open the top of the flower pot,pot and the rapid expansion of the gas,quickly reduce the pressure,making the pressure difference inside and outside the rice grains become larger,resulting in a grain of rice with high-pressure steam also The rapid expansion of the transient burst open grain of rice,which has become the popcorn.
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