关于online shopping的问题
关于online shopping的问题
Today online shopping is becoming more and more popular all over the world.Many people begin to buy something on the Internet.Why?
First,online shopping is easy and fast.After just a few clicks,people can finish their shopping easily.People don’t need to go out of their house .Second,people can find a lot of cool and cheap things on the Internet .
And what do people buy the most on the Internet?A survey among the Internet shoppers around the world shows that books,clothes and CDs are the most popular things on Internet.
1、What is online shopping?
2、Why do people begin online shopping?
3、What do people buy the most on the Internet?
1.Online shopping is to buy something on the Internet
2.Because people feel it's easy and fast,also they can find a lot of cool and cheap things on the Internet .
3.Books,clothes and CDs are the most popular things on Internet.
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