Client is a developer of an enterprise asset management software,The product's target market is higher technology manufacturing,chemicals and power production.The product covers the areas of Equipment Maintenance and Inventory Control,as well as many associated functions,such as purchasing,project management,document management and staff training.
Below is their scope of work:
1.Determine what accounting packages are being sold to industrial customers.The goal here would be to find accounting systems that DO NOT have a maintenance module.We have set ourselves up as software development partners with several accounting packages ,like SAGE Software’s AccPac system and Microsoft’s Great Plains,and it is easy for us to try and partner with such companies to help them offer more complete solutions.
2.Determine percentage of industrial companies that have SAP accounting / production but are not implementing the maintenance (PM) module due to high costs.Since we have interfaces into SAP,this could be a good market for us.Often these are international companies that use SAP heavily in their home countries,but find it too expensive to roll the complete suite of modules out for foreign operations.
3.Determine if there are consulting companies that are being used by Chinese operations to help them improve operations,specifically in the area of maintenance
客户是一个企业资产管理软件的开发者,产品目标市场是超高新技术生产,化工和发电厂商,产品覆盖设备维护,库存控制以及诸多相关领域,如采购,项目管理,文件管理及员工培训. 以下是他们的工作范围: 1.确认哪些财务软件包...
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