mi do't no
your ok?
ha ha
no what mi the hard
China ancient times the poetry, generally was called as the old-style poetry, was refers with the writings in classical style and the traditional classical Chinese poetry rules creation poem, generalized China ancient times the poetry, might include each kind of Chinese ancient times the verse like tax, the word, the tune and so on, the narrow sense then only included the ancient-style poetry and the modern style poetry.
humanity many nationalities to produce in the language development has suited this national language the poetry form.In China, the earliest poetry total collection is "Poetry", in which earliest poetic composition in the Western Zhou Dynasty initial period, the latest work becomes in the Spring and Autumn Period time middle.
To the Warring States time, gradually fused in the south Chu country China race and hundred more race language, its poetry collection "Chu elegies" broke through "Poetry" south some form limit, could manifest the language characteristic.
When Han Dynasty's
ancient-style poetry Han Dynasty musical conservatory poem formation.The musical conservatory poem is in order to match music to sing, is equal in the present lyrics.This kind of musical conservatory poem is called “the tune”, “the refined language”, “the song”, “the line” and so on.The Three Kingdoms time has absorbed the musical conservatory poem nutrition take the Jianan literature as representative's poetry work, has laid the foundation for an afterwards classical Chinese poetry rules more rigorous modern style poetry.
The Tang Song modern style poetry
arrived Tang Dynasty, the Chinese poetry appeared four jueju poems and eight Lushi.Lushi detains the even sound, each sentence level and oblique tones, the antithesis all have the stipulation.Jueju poem stipulation slightly pine some.
Moreover, in Song Dynasty achieved the crest the word also is the poetry one important form.The word form needs to comply some fixed names of the tunes of cipoetry, is advantageous for matches sings by the music.Later period develops
from the Yuan Dynasty starts, the Chinese poetry gold time passes gradually, the literature creation shifts gradually to the drama, the novel and so on other forms.Chinese ancient poetry in the peripheral national influence
Chinese poem, in the wording meaning is Chinese poetry.But this concept mainly is uses outside Chinese world.China's some peripheral countries, like North Korea, Japan, Vietnam, because the use Chinese character achievement writes the writing, naturally also deeply Chinese poetry influence.Along with the Buddhism zen in these national spreading, the Chinese poem has become the zen literature most important form.
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