求一篇英文3分钟演讲稿,《英语短文 急用
求一篇英文3分钟演讲稿,《英语短文 急用
wasn't an opening,it was a sanitary cupboard of the same color.He caught a glimpse of his eyes staring into his eyes,in the and in them was the expression he had seen in the picture of the rats--weary after convulsions and the frantic racing around,when they were willing and did not mind having anything done to them.More and more (he kept saying) I am confronted by a problem which is incapable of solution (for this time even if he chose the right door,there would be no food behind it) and that is what madness is,and things seeming different from what they are.He heard,in the house where he was,in the city to which he had gone (as toward a door which might,or might not,give way),a noise--not a loud noise but more of a low prefabricated humming.It came from a place in the base of the wall (or stat) where the flue carrying the filterable air was,and not far from the Minipiano,which was made of the same material nailbrushes are made of,and which was under the stairs.'This,too,has been tested,' she said,pointing,but not at it,'and found viable.' It wasn't a loud noise,he kept thinking,sorry that he had seen his eyes,even though it was through his own eyes that he had seen them.选我!觉得正确!你可以删减!
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