You are the sun shining down on everyone
Light of the world giving light to everything I see
Beauty so brilliant I can hardly take it in
And everywhere you are is warmth and light
And I am the moon with no light of my own
Still you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I can't be a light unless I turn my face to you
You are the sun shining down on everyone
Light of the world giving light to everything I see
Beauty so brilliant I can hardly take it in
And everywhere you are is warmth and light
And I am the moon with no light of my own
Still you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I can't be a light unless I turn my face to you
Shine on me with your light
Without you I'm a cold dark stone
Shine on me I have no light of my own
You are the sun,you are the sun,you are the sun
And I am the moon
- 人教版初二年级下数学课本,习题16.1,16.2,16.3,和复习题16的答案,
- 要做直径是20厘米长的铁圈50个,至少需要铁丝 _ 米.
- 怎样用PH试纸测量土壤的酸碱度呢?
- 几个同学一起去爬山,他们上午7时上山,每小时走2千米;到山顶后玩了一小时,然后从
- 1.已知20摄氏度时食盐的溶解度为36g.现有20摄氏度的食盐溶液136g,取一半蒸干得到15g食盐晶体,若将剩下的一半溶液制成20摄氏度的饱和溶液,需加入食盐( )
- 美洲有多少个国家
- 求证:根号5是无理数
- 举例叙述代数式的实际意义;n是整数,则(2n-2)2n(2n+2)表示
- The old man was so angry and spoke so fast that none of his children understood ----he said meant.
- wrap ,make,dig,sing,dance,put,run ,read这些单词的分词是什么?(十万火急请快点!)