My holiday
My holiday is a little boring.In July I went to school to learn a lot of boring things for about 2 weeks.Maybe it can help me a lot.But I still think it was boring.After school’s lessons,I joined in a basketball camp.It was very interesting.But it made me felt tried.In August I began to learn Physics.It is important.During august I also played basketball every day with Haoxiang if the weather is not very bad.This is my summer holiday.I think I will be better in the new school term.
My holiday was a little boring.In July I went to school to learn a lot of boring things for about 2 weeks.Maybe it could help me a lot.But I still think it was boring.After school’s lessons,I joined in a basketball camp.It was very interesting.But it made me fell tried.In August I began to learn Physics.It is important.During August I also played basketball every day with Haoxiang when the weather was not very bad.This was my summer holiday.I think I will be better in study in the new school term.
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