以“Why you think you should make friends on the Internet”这个问题来写一篇作文

以“Why you think you should make friends on the Internet”这个问题来写一篇作文

以“Why you think you should make friends on the Internet”这个问题来写一篇作文
(1) title:Internet Friends,WOULD YOU meet any?
my friend i didn't say i'm lucky all the time with friend on net .sure i was got many experience good and bad too .
but cause i didn't hope i didn't plan i just stand by my trust and i don't care they will love me or not .every thing be long to me and what can i do if i face that hurt .i ever hurt i ever tried but i never lose my power and my trust way.
not easy friend if you would like to have a real friend ,freal friend not althe time must to talking sweety words to you .some time we was misunderstanding together some words is to hard to accept but you must to have your strong way to trying to understanding what your friend need and what you can ,every thing belong to our heart friend if we open our clean heart to friend no body would like to be bad person i'm sure just what they do we will accept or not that belong to us too .
i'm just do my part to suport the meaning of friend so when i feel hard and hurt i just think hey i'm was born gor give only hahaha then no any thing can make you hurt if you don't want to hurt .if looking to only bad thing you will find only bad thing .and sure same way if you looking only good thing sure you will find where is the best .good luck my friend wish you to fine your real one to looking for soon .
(2) title:Why you think you should make friends on the Internet
i have one closer friend in this internet way ,now is more than 8 years already we was saw how's our life grow up together .we was give only best thing together ,we was shear what we can shear we was care what we can care .we are real friend and now since we don't have any thing become to be business partner together .we was change our life together now he will get married end of this month and we plan to our kids to love each other if they will hahaha .be sure it have real friendship really ,don't scare any thing just only open your heart and do with what you need then you will find it there for you .
if you need love you must give your love first
if you need care you must give your care first
if you need to shear you must give how's to shear
then what you need will be in your hand .good luck every body wishes you to find your real one you looking for soon .


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