Ever lover,forever
Ever lover,forever
Do you know?`
You are always on my mind.
You are always in my dream.
But,when I want to say"I am always loving you."
You are gone.
Now,I am always saying"I want to forget you."
But I can't.
"I was born to love you,so I can't live without you.Do you know?"
I will remember it forever.
I still remember the temperature of your hands,your arms.
I still remember the days we shared.
I still remember the background when you leave.
Two days ago.
I still believe someday you and me will find ourselves in love again.
However,it's not very easy.Because I can't find myself.I lost myself.
You went in my dream again.
As soon as I waked up,I found some tears in my eyes.
I'm sorry.I cried again.
I try my best to tell myself don't think of you anymore.
I will try it harder.
It is impossible to forget.
So,I want you to become my friend.
Because I will miss you.
And I'll spend the lonely nights alone.
It's over.It's over.
Goodbye my lover.
曾经的恋人 永远的朋友
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