Assessing a decade of fashion so close in time is complex.In terms of costume history it's only after a trend has been around for several years can we acknowledge that it's more than a passing fad and deserves recognition in the archives of history.We each see what we ourselves wore as what was worn and typical of the era.The mood of society in the final decade of the last millennium was more defining than what was actually worn.
So much more was on offer globally,and many people lost interest in fashion as necessary and important to their lives when business rules for dressing relaxed.Working from home became common.By the edge of the 21st century dressing down in every aspect of life became an acceptable norm.Ordinary retail clothing sales,textile manufacturing industries and stores all declined from a less active more casual marketplace.
The range of fashion goods available was huge in the 1990s,but no one knows the real answer why retail sales were often sluggish.The main thrust of fashion was the striving to achieve individuality.Fashion proliferated as fast as it could be relayed by the media and Internet and only by styling oneself rather than slavishly following a particular designer's fashion look,could individuality be achieved.Rapid dissemination of information and a more relaxed attitude to clothes has led to a certain inevitable uniformity in cities thousands of miles apart.
Comfort dressing with stretch,accounts for many sales today.
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