Many of animals are very clever and they have to h( ) from an enemy. It isn’t often s( ) to be small in a world full of larger, more dangerous creatures. A small skunk, however, will f( ) bravely just about any danger. E( ) though a skunk has short teeth and small claws, most humans and other animals will leave a skunk a( ).
What power does the skunk have to f( ) an enemy away? It can give a liquid that smells terrible into the air. When an enemy c( ) too close, the skunk puts up its tail and gives a warning with its f( ) claw.If the enemy still s( ) around, the skunk gives out a liquid. Its smell is so b( ) that even the skunk leaves the scene in hurry.
hide;safe;face;Even; alone;frighten;comes;front;stays;bad
- (1)There is _____ water _____ air in space.
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- 英语翻译
- 如图所示,物体G=500N,在拉力F的作用下物体匀速运动了2m,运动的速度是0.2m/s.若拉力所做的功是600J,且滑轮组的机械效率是80%,求: (1)拉力F做功的功率是多少? (2)物体所受的摩
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- We ____(see)this film three times already ,so we ____(not want) to see it anain.
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- 如图,PO⊥平面ABCD,点O在AB上,EA‖PO,四边形ABCD为直角梯形,BC⊥AB,BC=CD=BO=PO,EA=AO=1/2CD.
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- 从一个棱长是6分米的正方体削下一个最大的圆锥,这个圆锥的体积是()立方分米在一个长是8厘米,宽是4厘米的长方形中最多可以画()个最大的圆,每个圆的面积是()平方厘米
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