送给母亲的生日贺卡 作文 英文的 救急
送给母亲的生日贺卡 作文 英文的 救急
My mother's birthday is in June 3 .We are going to have a birthday party for her ..My father is going to buy a big cake with fruit and beautiful clothes for my mother .
My grandparents also buy a birthday present for my mother . I am going to make a birthdaycardfor her and I will write " Happy birthday to you !" on it .My mother will have a happy birthday
"Happy birthday, mommy!" Yesterday was 30 May .We had a birthday party for her ..My father bought a gift to her.Did you know what was the gift?Let me told you, it was a beatiful clothes."Wow,i like it very much!"my mum said.
My grandparents bought a birthday cake for my mother . "Happy Birthday to you."I gave the birthdaycard which i made it to her and my mother very happy and thank you us to us.
i hope you like this composition.
if you have any question or whatever,you can add me QQ:906751393
Today, is my mother’s birthday, my father from the cake store bought a chocolate cake, my brother and me brought a CD formother, father told us : " this cake can not be cut untill your mother came back ."then he to cook dinner! At night, mother came back, dad said:" we will give her a surprise."My father and I opened the door, my father gave the red rosef for her, we put the candles on the cake, and my mother are very happy.
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