there are many waya of traveling ,such as by plane ,by train ,by ship ,by bus or on foot .people can choose any of these ways to travel if they like .to me ,the best way of traveling on a summer holiday is to go by train or on foot .on a summer holiday i like to go on a trip alone .i want to travel everywhere myself and to see the countryside .if i visit another city ,i always take a train to travel .if i have a trip to a country ,i use my feet .when i use my feet and walk on the grass i feei i am far from the noise of the city and closer to the nature .and when i travel on foot i get more more freedom .i can stop where i like .and i can things and peopie that i might miss if i travel on a plane or on a bus
1.when does the writer like to travel
2.who does the writer go on a trip with
3.why does the writer like to travel on foot?
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