how should you treat people who are more intelligent than you?短篇作文
how should you treat people who are more intelligent than you?短篇作文
how should you treat people who are more intelligent than you?
In real life,there are all sorts of people,some smarter than you,some than you stupid.If for those
smarter than you,you think you meeting how treat them?For this problem?I don't know how good answer?But should see what is smarter than I people their performance!For what is smarter than I,behave and modest,not in front of others,love to show off his,helping people mannered do very good people,they are probably a version of the sample,and learning.For what clever,arrogance,look down on people who.Maybe my own stupid,I would stay away from them,for they that kind of behavior will not someone like them.So,treat things to the concrete analysis,clever man is not necessarily the best people,stupid person is not necessarily the worst,because:people are!
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