In this current society, everyone are required to work in a fast pace. The society is surrounded by different type of presure. Thus I will list out a few major stressor that most people will share in common.
The society is getting more and more materialistic. Everyone wants to strive to be the best. Food that we eat need to be nice. Things that we use need to be good. Clothes that we wear need to be up to date. In order to fullfill this on-going needs,one needs to earn more money. Thus to earn more money, one needs to work harder. All these accumulated together is a great stressor for human beings.
Financial income is also one major stressor. The living standard all around the world had increased tremendously. People need to worry about their housing loan, vehicle load, insurance, kids education fees, or even down to the basic; how to put food on the table.
Security is another big issue. The world is changing. World peace is no longer intact with everyone's mind. Wars are declared easily. Terrorism acts shatter everyone's sense of security. Everyone need to be in fear of any sudden disaster. Besides, it is painful to see the on-going increasing crime rate all around the world. More and more people had walked into the wrong path to obtain what they want. Robbery, rape cases, murder cases...are all aspects that burden our mental and physical health.
Stress is a silent health killer. Everyone need to learn a form of stress management that suit themselves in order to cope with the current pace of the society
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