only one year to live
only one year to live
only one year to live
life is important to a result,we cherish it all the way.
while have you ever considered that what would you do when the sudden news that you will have only one year to live strikes you?
the year ought to be the hardest year of all my life,because i have left many a thing undone.i would regret if i haven't make them when i leave the world.
the year should be the honestiest year of all my life,for that i will not leave any lies in the world if i pass away.
the year would be the happiest year of all my life,because it is my last year existing in the world.
time is exactly the thing we all cherish,but most of us neglect to use them properly.thinking about that will help us understand the world better.(注意,此句话是莎士比亚说的经典话语)
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