一篇views on stereotypes的英语作文
一篇views on stereotypes的英语作文
急求一篇views on stereotype120到150字左右的英语作文
Re-evaluation Your Stereotypes in Intercultural Communication
When it comes to stereotype,most people would argue that cultural stereotype is a
obstacle and negative to intercultural communication such as people usually have an idea that Americans are punctual people and Chinese are unpunctual people.
Thus,many people think that stereotype should be got rid of.However,this attitude ought to be changed.Stereotyping is one type of categorization of ethnic or national groups.Stereotypes can be effective or ineffective depending on how they are used.They will be effective when a person in an intercultural situation is aware of his or her stereotypes.The stereotypes may be a guide if the person can modify his or her understanding based on experience with actual people.Stereotypes can be counterproductive when they are maintained in spite of contradictory experience and used to judge others.
Communicators who are aware of their stereotypes and are willing to modify them appropriately should have less difficulty with this potential source of cultural misinterpretation,and as a result might interpret information more accurately.
不知道,你的要求是什么,我正好在做一片跨文化交际方面的论文,涉及了一些关于 stereotype方面的内容,借此,写了一片160多字的作文给你,希望对你有用
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