哪里有《where are you going to my love》这首歌
哪里有《where are you going to my love》这首歌
专辑:Olivia Newton John
曲名:Where Are You Going To My Love
I hold your hand and gently touch your hair
Then we'll walk together hand in hand
The way it used to be
The way you smile and kiss me tenderly
Tears begin to fill my misty eyes
Now you are gone from me
Where are you going to,my love
Will you come back when the sun shines
Anytime you want to come home
It's all right
Where are you going to,my love
Will our love return tomorrow
Anytime you want to call me
It's all right
I hear your voice
It's always haunting me
Everywhere I turn I see you face
But you're never there
You're all I have,
You're all I'm living for
I can't bear the pain and misery
Please come back to me
Where are you going to,my love
Will you come back when the sun shines
Anytime you want to come home
It's all right
Where are you going to,my love
Will our love return tomorrow
Anytime you want to call me
It's all right
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