write a description of your company.
write a description of your company.
write a description of your company where is it located when was it established?what does it produce what services does it offer?what is line of business is it in how many people does it employ who are its main competitiors?how is business?就写一家有名的房地产公司吧.
是中国保利集团旗下的大型房地产国有企业.公司总部设在广东广州.1992年底成立后开始进入房地产行业,在坚持以中高端精品住宅开发为主.1983年,解放军总参谋部、联合广东华美和 张*** 等16位自然人共同发起设立的组建一家对外贸易公司,起名“保利”,保卫胜利之意.2009被评为最具开拓力的标杆央企专家.2010保利地产被评为最具扩张能量的领军企业;截至2012年一季度,公司总资产已超二千亿.
Poly Real Estate
Poly Real Estate is one of the large state-owned real estate enterprises under Poly Group
.The company is headquartered in Guangzhou,Guangdong Province.After its establishment in the year 1992,the company began to develop its business in the industry of real estate ,which mainly focus on developing middle and high-end class model human settlements.In the year 1983,the Headquarters of the General ,together with Excellence Group in Guangdong and Zhang Keqiang and other 15 natural persons created a Foreign Trade Company named Poly,with the meaning defend the victory. The company was named the most pioneering and benchmarking experts of the central enterprises in 2009.The next year saw it given the fame the most energetic and powerful
leading enterprise.Up to the first quarter of 2012 ,the company has accumulated total assets
much more than two hundred billion .
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