Mrs.Evans went to a large cinema one summer afternoon.Half—way through the wonderful film there was
Mrs.Evans went to a large cinema one summer afternoon.Half—way through the wonderful film there was the usual interval(中间休息),so that people could buy sweets,chocolates and ice—cream.Mrs.Evans rarely bought anything in the cinema,but this time she was feeling hot,so she thought,“I’ll have an ice—cream to cool me.I certainly need it.” Quite a lot of audience were waiting to buy ice—creams from the girl who was selling them,so Mrs.Evans waited for her turn.
There was a small boy in front of her.When it was his turn,he offered the girl ten pence and asked for an ice—cream,but they cost twenty pence.So the girl said,“I want another ten pence,please.”
The small boy put the coin back in his pocket,put his hand in another pocket,took out another ten pence coin and offered that to the girl.
Mrs.Evans was so amused that she paid the other ten to the girl.
51 It was _______ when Mrs.Evans went to see a film.
A cool B cold C warm D hot
52 ______ the audience could buy som
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