It rained as we sailed down the river on our raft,so we stayed inside the shelter.Suddenly we saw a steamboat,which had hit a rock and was sinking .I was determined to go on board,so we paddled over and climbed on.Unexpectedly we heard the voice of one man begging another not to kill him.
On hearing this,my companion,Jim,panicked and fled.I was curious so I stayed.
I looked around,and soon found three men.One man was lying on the floor,while two would be murderers were standing over him.The taller of the two wanted to shoot the man on the floor,but the one with a beard wanted to leave him to drown.
I decided to steal the men’s boat,so that they would all have to stay on the steamboat together.Though Jim was terrified,he helped me paddle the boat away.Soon afterwards I felt bad about what we had done,as I didn’t want all three men to be drowned.
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