Dear Lucy:
There are sixty students in my classroom.They are my good classmates.
They have different eating habit.Three sutdents never eat vegetables but five students eat it every day.Some of sutdents eat it once a week.And some of students eat fruit once a week.Over fifteen students never eat fruit,oh,but all of us eat rice every day.I think every student should have a healthy eating habit,because it can help us to study better!We should eat fruit and vegetables every day.And we should drink milk every morning.too They are good for our health.What do you think so?Please write and tell me .
Lin Li
Dear Lucy:
There are sixty students in my class.They are all good students.
They have different eating habits.Three of them never eat vegetables but five eat it everyday.Some of them eat it once a week.And some of students eat fruit once a week.Over fifteen students never eat fruits.Oh,but all of us eat rice everyday.I think every student should have a healthy eating habit,because it can help us to study better!We should eat fruits and vegetables everyday.And we should drink milk every morning,too.They are good for our health.What do you think about it?Please write and tell me .
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