括号部分提问 It was (Monday) yesterday.It was (April 12th)
括号部分提问 It was (Monday) yesterday.It was (April 12th)
He was (excited )yesterday.
My mother (had a cold) last week.
He often swims (just now)
Look,he is nstudying English (sometimes)
He is going to run this afternoon (Look)
She did her homework five minutes ago(will)
It was (Monday) yesterday.
What day was it yesterday?
It was (April 12th)
What was the date?He was (excited )yesterday.
How was he yesterday?My mother (had a cold) last week.
What was wrong with your mother?改句
He often swims (just now)He swam just now
Look, he is nstudying English (sometimes)Sometimes he studies English
He is going to run this afternoon (Look)Look,he is running
She did her homework five minutes ago(will)She will do her homework tommorrow
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