The world's most thankful for is to have a love of others on their own.Love is a light in the winter sun,so that people feel the pressure of poverty,human warmth; love is a clear spring in the desert,is the brink of ruin the lives of people see hope; love is wandering in the night sky in the songs,so that people get lonely soul comfort.......In short,no matter what your status,and regardless of when and where you are again,the moisture can not do without love and encouragement.
On these,and this is the case of the copy from the class ofThe world's most thankful for is to have a love of others on their own.Love is a light in the winter sun,so that people feel the pressure of poverty,human warmth; love is a clear spring in the desert,is the brink of ruin the lives of people see hope; love is wandering in the night sky in the songs,so that people get lonely soul comfort.......In short,no matter what your status,and regardless of when and where you are again,the moisture can not do without love and encouragement.
On these,and this is the case of the copy from the
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