"When I was keeper of the herds I always saw to it that all of my cattle were strong,healthy and growing,that there was water in abundance and plenty of feed.When I had charge of the public granaries I never slept until I knew that all was secure and cared for against the weather,and my accounts as true and correct as if I were going on my long journey to return no more.My advice is to slight nothing,forget nothing,never leave things to chance,nor say,'Nobody will know—this is good enough.'"
When I had charge of the public granaries I never slept until I knew that all was secure and cared for against the weather,and my accounts as true and correct孔子尝为委吏矣,曰:‘会计当而已矣’.When I was keeper of the herds I always saw to it that all of my cattle were strong,healthy and growing.that there was water in abundance and plenty of feed尝为乘田矣,曰:‘牛羊茁壮长而已矣.’
以上两条见《孟子 万章篇》
as if I were going on my long journey to return no more.My advice is to slight nothing,forget nothing,never leave things to chance,nor say,'Nobody will know—this is good enough.'至于这几句,意思很明白,可是我还是缺乏熟练的《四书、五经》基本功,就是一下子想不出原文是如何表达出来的.
- Susan will not arrive on time if she doesn’t hurry up
- 《易·恒》中“君子以立不易方”的意思
- 函数自变量和因变量的关系一定要是一一对应的吗
- I think Ican finish it on time .(改成否定句)I----- -----I----finish it on time .
- 一个多位数,用四舍五入法凑成整万数50000,这个数最大是几,最小是几.
- 要修一条400米长的水沟,已经修了250,还剩百分之几.
- 根据汉语提示完成句子.()注意your spelling when you write.填三个单词
- 西瓜的糖分主要存在于液泡的哪
- 常见的淡水藻类____,_____,常见的海洋藻类有_____,______等;
- 一块长方体橡皮,重为0.3N,侧放于水平面上时,它与桌面的接触面积