Compare the American culture with the Chinese culture.How to avoid cultural clash?
Compare the American culture with the Chinese culture.How to avoid cultural clash?
1.Compare the American culture with the Chinese culture.2.How to avoid cultural clash?(针对美国人提出点建议).
1)Collectivism and Individualism
Because of the Chinese social system,Chinese attachimportance tothe families and the collectivism level,but America seems to take Individualismseriously.There are many ways showing us the difference,such as the movies,theteleplay,the news and so on.To sum up,Individual concepts Collectivism is morepopular in China while individualism in America.Chinese often owe a success toa group.Facing praise,they appear very modest and say a lot of formulae.Under the similar circumstance,Americans are more likely to tend toindividualism and will accept the praise directly.
According to the questionnaire,57.3% Chinese students think thatCollectivism is more important and only 12.5% think that Individualism is moreimportant.
2)Independence and Teamwork
Aswe all know,there is one sentence that A Chinese person can be a dragon,but twoChinese people will be two worms describing Chinese people.That means Chinesealways do things on their own.However,American attend to cooperation withpartner.Also,Chinese don't like to share their sadness or pain with otherpeople,but when American were in trouble,they will ask friends or someone tohelp them handle it.Although this is on the one hand,we can summarize thatChinese prefer doing things on their own,while American like to do things in ateam.
According to the questionnaire,71.3% Chinese students like to do thingson their own,14% believe that teamwork is more effective,and 14.7% think thatit doesn't matter.80.9% Chinese students tend to handle difficulties bythemselves,10% have no idea.
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