My rocking chair was making noises all night; it's getting very old.
The flower was very pretty,it smiled at me and its perfume had such a nice smell.
The Earth keeps on turning and turning,I wonder when it will stop.
My computer is protesting about how I'm using it too much.
In the winter when I am standing outside,my teeth keep on protesting how it's so cold.
The apple was too sour,my teeth didn't like it.
The journey was very long,my feet got very tired.
One day I was packing for my trip,but I couldn't fit everything into my suitcase; I bet my suitcase would start crying if I stuff it anymore.
When I was little I always talked to the maple tree beside my home every time when I felt sad; the tree always nodded its leaves in understanding.
I have always wished that I can fly freely like the clouds; the clouds much be enjoying their freedom very much.
College is a comma of a sentence of life.
- 0.333…*3=0.999…(1/3)*3=11/3=0.333… 那么难道说0.999…=1...
- 角α的顶点与原点重合,其始边与x轴非负半轴重合,角α终边上有一点P(t,2t)(其中t≠0)求sinα,cosα,tanα
- 世界上最宽的瀑布,是位于赞比亚和津巴布韦交界处的( )瀑布
- 当x为何数时,3x+5/7的值比x-8/3的值大
- 已知a属于(0,π/2),且sina+cosa=tana-1/tana求sina乘cosa的值 一小时内谢谢
- 关于细胞学说的叙述,不正确的是( ) A.它揭示了动植物细胞的统一性和生物体结构的统一性 B.建立者主要是施莱登和施旺 C.是多位科学家在探索中开拓、继承、修正和发展而建立的 D.
- 英语翻译
- 关于用心灵去倾听的问题.
- 如图所示,玻璃砖是研究光学的常用仪器,他的上下表面互相平行,请你画出光线AO穿过玻璃后大致的传播方向
- 简单的英语不定式省略问题.
- 初中控制变量法实验有哪些?越多越好!
- 我们吃糖的时候,如果要想让糖融化的快一点,
- 一块长方形耕地,长和宽的比是5:3,又知宽比长少40米.这块耕地的面积是多少平方米?
- 小丽对本校六(4)班同学进行了来校方式的调查,已知骑自行车来校的有12人,求出步行来校的学生人数.
- A、B、C三数的平均数是36,B、C两数的和的一半是42.5,A数是多少?
- 物理学中有一种实验装置称为验音盒,是一个具有许多小孔的金属圆盘,分布在不同半径的同心圆上.验音盘在转台上在转动后,用压缩空气对准盘上各层小孔吹气,由于各层小孔的数目不同,可听到不同音调的声音.保持验音
- 用适当的单词填空 Later hand shaking became a sign ___ peace.
- 如果点会说话的话,你想对点说些什么?写一写你与电的对话.
- 判断:角的概念
- ( )( ) ( )登山( )( )( )填成语!