1.What’s the meaning of CEO?CEO的意思是?
1.What’s the meaning of CEO?CEO的意思是?
Chief Employment Officer
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Enterprise Officer
Chief Executive Owner
2.What’s the difference between a customer and a client?Customer和Client的区别是?
No difference,they are both the same
A customer you see every week,a client you see at least three times a year
A customer spends little money,a client spends a lot
A customer is for retail business,a client is for services
A customer buys a product from you,a client is under your care
3.What’s does market share mean?"市场份额”(market share)的意思是什么?
return on investment divided by number of competitors
profit revenue divided by total market revenue
sales revenue divided by total market revenue
market capitalisation divided by number of competitors
total asset value divided by total market value
4.What does P/E ratio mean?P/E率的意思是?
Earnings per share
Price per equity
1.Chief Executive Officer
2 A customer is for retail business, a client is for services(不确定)
3 sales revenue divided by total market revenue (就是股票)
4 Price per equity share
5 United States dollars
6 net income
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