

1 She didn't know ( ) he had been given.
A how many information B the number of information
C how many informations D how much information
2 Those are ( )
A my sister stamps B my sister's stamps
C my sisters stamps D me sister's stamps
3 All the ( ) in the hospital got a rise last month
A women doctors B women doctor C woman doctors D woman dictor
4Would your like to have a cup of tea and ( ) with me?
A two toasts B two pieces of toast C two piece of toasts D two pieces of toasts
5 My mother cut the cloth with ( ) scissors.
A a B two C a couple of D a pair of
6 That is ( )
A the teachers office B the office's teachers C the teachers' office D the offices' teachers
7 March 8th is ( )
A Woman's day B Womens'day C Women's day D women day
8 Here comes ( )
A his penfriend letter B his penfriend's letter
C him penfriend's letter D him penfriend letter
9 Numerous materials are available to ( )
A today of designers B today's designers C today's designers D today designers
10 ( ) is hard to remember.
A My cousin telephone number B My cousin's telephone number
C My cousins' telephone number D My cousin' telephone number
11 He needs a ( )
A few day's rest B few days rest C few days' rest D few day rest
12 I am going to ( )
A the shoe-maker B the shoe-maker C the shoe-maker's D a shoe-maker
13 Look at this lovely child of ( )
A you sister B your sister C you sister's D your sister's
14 They are ( )
A Bill classmates B Bill's classmate C Bill's classmates D Bill classmate
15 Generally there are ( )television programs for children on Saturday.
A little B much C a large number of D a large amount of
1D how much information2B my sister's stamps3A women doctors 4B two pieces of toast 5D a pair of6C the teachers' office 7C Women's day 8B his penfriend's letter 9B today's designers 、C today's design...


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