

(一) A B C or D
Which of your two hands do you use most?Very few of us can use both of our hands well.Most of us are right-handed.Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed.New-born babies can take things with either of their hands,but in about two years most of them use their right hands.Scientists don't know why this happens.They have studied it.They think our animal ancestors right-handed,but this may not be true.Monkeys are our closest relations in the animal world.Scientists have found these monkeys like to use one of their hands more than the other but it can be either hand.There are so many right-handed ones.Next time you visit the zoo,watch the monkeys.You will see that some of them will swing beings use their right hands better and this makes right-handed ones.We live in a right-handed world.
1.very few of us can use both of our hands well.It means ____.
A we can’t use one hand as well as the other
B we can’t use both hands
C many people can use one hand as well as the other
D some of us can use both hands
2.New-bornbabies ___ at first.
A can only use their right hands
B can only use their left hands
C can use theirhands
D can use both of their hands
3.Which of the following is ture?
A Maonkeys are left-handed.
B Monkeys are right-handed.
C Some of the monkeys are left-handed,others are right-handed.
D There are many more right-handed monkeys than others left-handed monkeys.
4.We live in a(an) ____.
A left-handed world
B right-handed world
C monkey world
D animal world
5.Left-handed people are difficult in life because ___.
A they can’t use their right hands at all.
B most of people use their right hands better.
C they can’t use both of their hands.
D they can’t use their left hands.
(二)T or F
Many,many years ago,the would had only a few thousand people.The moved from place to place.They hunted animals for food.
A long time passed.These ancient people began growing crops.No one today knows how and where those people learnt about it.But they knew that that.From then on the life of the those people changed.They didn't have to move their houses any more.
They could stay in one place and grow crops.People bagan to live near each other.And so the first villages grew.Many people came to work in the villages.These villages became bigger and bigger.Then people had machines,and life in the villages changed villages grew into cities.Then city life began.
()1.There were millions of people in the would many,many years ago.
()2.At that time,they hunted animals and grew crops for food.
()3.They ancient people’s life changed after they began growing crops.
()4.They first villages grew when people began to live near each other.
()5.Machines made the life in the villages change again.
()6.People built factories and then factories became cities.


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